decoding (a revOlution) III


Astrology will only ever be a reflection of our consciousness.

Before any tool, including AI, can act on our behalf, the rev0lution originates from deep within. 
Switching realities involves stepping out of the old reality, and no tool can facilitate this switch unless our entire “being” has already undergone it.
I'm referring here to our “whole” self, encompassing more than just our physical or astral vessel. 
Our consciousness mirrors our etheric frequency, and this frequency reflects our inner transmutation.

Therefore, the new 5D astrology remains elusive for those on the 3D or 4D karmic timelines. 
Stepping out of the karmic wheel is not a mechanical feat but
an alchemical one -- a high-level transmutation.
Breaking free from the karmic wheel cannot be achieved through any ARTIFICIAL in-tell-i-gen-ce or manmade device relying on mind control. No mechanical tool can guide you through your own shadow, transmute it, alter your soul frequency, or lead you out of the karmic wheel.
Ascension cannot be assisted by any mechanical means. 

if anything, mechanical devices emerge from a convoluted mind that fears the unknown, seeking
 increased control. These devices become entwined in the mental trap and the cyclic “wheel”, a closed circle capable only of drawing the mental body back into it.
The subject standing before an object.
The polarised mind is entrenched in dualism, creating a dual reality.
It reflects the 3D mind projecting itself onto a 4D space. 

Virgo Full Moon 24.02.2024 at 12:30gmt

This is precisely what this Full Moon is about. 

The Virgoan aspiration for purification, undergoing transmutation, if and when it becomes conscious through its opposite polarity the Pisces Sun in a stellium with Mercury and Saturn. This alignment prompts a release of the mental need for controlling or being controlled, urging the embrace of the infinite cosmic Ocean governed by Neptune in Pisces.
Both Virgo and Pisces, as “dual” signs, hold a duality in need of a resolution.
The lower vibration Virgo, ruled by Mercury, may exhibit a trickster mind, a ‘talk without walk’ like characteristic, or even at worst, anal retention - until it undergoes Neptunian release and lets go of all fear and control... to simply be, embracing authenticity, faith and humility to shine and give way to its higher vibration. 
The higher Virgo, governed by Chiron, is an Alchemist of sorts, shining through service and healing whence he has healed his own wounds.
Chiron in the Full Moon chart is in Aries and conjunct the North Node, while Mars their ruler, is conjunct Venus in Aquarius and square Jupiter in Taurus. 
Venus in mutual reception with Uranus in Taurus and emerging from recent transmutative conjunctions, indicates the direction for highly individualised, liberated sense of Love, as well as High transformative Art.

Neptune in Pisces serves here as a cosmic doorway, the redeeming dissolutive Portal out of the old - prefiguring the following important cosmic event, that is the triple cazimi conjunction on 28 February 2024 of Mercury, Sun and Saturn at 9°45 Pisces… which will provide an opportunity for emotional integration of all these recent energetic transmutations, allowing us to rise “beyond our limitations”.

Interestingly, the 24 February 24 ( 24022024 ) Full Moon's symbol, the Merry-go-round, reflects both cyclical experiences through the circular repetitive dizzying up and down motion, and the opportunity for demonstrating some type of skill and mastery. It echoes the developing consciousness' objective approach to the life force, emphasized by the Pisces Solar stellium's (Sun, Mercury, and Saturn) deep moral collective responsibility: being acutely aware of the part each of us play in the large cosmic dance!
Moving beyond the 4D realms requires relinquishing the “mechanics” of control, releasing mental and energetic attachments through forgiveness and gratefulness, and operating from the higher heart.

Mathematical systems and coded number sequences affect individuals positioned on different timelines according to their heart/soul frequencies, making 5D and beyond astrology inaccessible to 3D-4D frequencies. 

New Earth astrology is within reach for those operating from their higher hearts, after they've released their fears (Chiron conjunct N.Node), healed their old wounds, and unified their feminine (Venus) and masculine (Mars) polarities in a revolutionary (Aquarius) new mode.
This type of astrology can't be apprehended with a manipulative-speculative-distorted-convoluted “mind”.

Allow me to repeat:
Liberation from old programming occurs at a soul level, once we've let go of outdated karmic contracts and limiting vows (Saturn in Pisces), and we've taken our cosmic shower, standing naked in all innocence and purity, embracing our original sovereignty.

Claims otherwise would imply being trapped in smoke and mirrors.
I wish for everyone to engage in the Virgoan “work” and high transmutation.


so be it 

x AA 

not for translation or reproduction ©️stellArium & ethereal counterparts 

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