
As we approach the last portal of 2024 into 2025, and before I dedicate another post to the current astrology , I would like to address and clarify some of the issues that are repeatedly brought up in the collectives. *** If you are an authentic Starseed-Twin Flame , you will be organically guided to your true path from “within”. Every situation and person you encounter has a purpose, and it is part of your task to uncover its significance. As you rise in frequency, your reality transforms. Your energy shifts, your appearance changes, your senses and perception sharpen, your perspective on life evolves, and the things that once felt “normal” may no longer resonate. This is not a loss but an invitation—a calling to align with your authentic soul’s journey. The life you once knew may no longer bring you happiness, but this is a sign of your transmutation. You don’t lead a “normal” life; you lead the unique life you were meant for. You are being drawn to leave behind what no longer s...