
As we approach the last portal of 2024 into 2025, and before I dedicate another post to the current astrology, I would like to address and clarify some of the issues that are repeatedly brought up in the collectives. 


If you are an authentic Starseed-Twin Flame, you will be organically guided to your true path from “within”. Every situation and person you encounter has a purpose, and it is part of your task to uncover its significance.

As you rise in frequency, your reality transforms. Your energy shifts, your appearance changes, your senses and perception sharpen, your perspective on life evolves, and the things that once felt “normal” may no longer resonate. This is not a loss but an invitation—a calling to align with your authentic soul’s journey.

The life you once knew may no longer bring you happiness, but this is a sign of your transmutation. You don’t lead a “normal” life; you lead the unique life you were meant for. You are being drawn to leave behind what no longer serves you: old jobs, relationships, diets, activities, locations, and outdated ways of being. Change can be challenging, but it is the only way to step into your authentic life. Bit by bit, step by step, you can create a reality that reflects your true self.

Release all that is not in alignment with your mission. Trust that you will find the people, places, and opportunities better suited to your true self. It may take tremendous courage, persistence, and patience, but the freedom and happiness you progressively find will make every challenge worth it.

This journey isn’t without its trials, especially given the density of the material world and the specifics of your particular mission. Twin Flame (TF) connections, starseed missions, and spiritual awakenings often come with intense challenges. They reveal wounds, traumas, and patterns that demand healing, as well as toxic knots that require deep purification. These experiences push you to shed old programming and fears, calling you to rise into your unique power. Relationships and soul bonds—such as with your soulmates and karmic connections—may serve as both triggers and supports, guiding you to face your shadows and embrace your light: events and situations often serve as a mirror on your journey.

Your transmutation is part of a greater cosmic purpose, but it doesn’t separate you from humanity. While you may feel like an outsider at times, it’s crucial to ground yourself in the present and in your body. The spiritual path, or a starseed’s mission, is not about escaping this world; it’s about integrating your gifts and higher knowledge into your human experience. It doesn’t erase the ordinary; it transforms how you approach it.

Misalignment and conflict with others are—I want to say—“natural” parts of this journey. Not everyone is meant to understand or accompany you on your path. Gracefully release relationships and connections that no longer align with your vibration, and trust that your soul will attract your tribe in time. Honor others’ journeys without judgment, even if they project their shortcomings and subconscious traits upon you, misunderstand you or resist change.

Healing is an integral part of the journey and is essential from the very beginning. Many starseeds and awakened souls face early-life challenges, such as harsh environments, dysfunctional families, bullying, or trauma. These difficulties, while painful, are opportunities for transmutation and cultivating a personal sense of freedom. As you walk the path, you gain resilience and clarity. You learn to set boundaries, identify toxic patterns, and build a life rooted in higher Light and Love.

This journey also requires equilibrium and discipline. It is vital to develop a daily, rigorous practice that brings your actions, reality, and intentions into alignment with your mission and destination. Such practices reinforce and protect your energetic field while keeping you grounded.

Embrace your higher path, but don’t neglect the human aspects of your life—everyday relationships, work, and responsibilities. A spiritual path isn’t about rejecting the physical world; it’s about elevating it. Stay grounded while remaining open to higher dimensions. You are here to embody your higher frequency in everyday life.

Ultimately, this path leads to Freedom and Grace, and embodying Light and Love. As you align with your authentic self and accomplish what you have come here for, you will experience a sense of joy, fulfillment, and purpose unlike anything you could imagine. Have faith, trust the process, honor your path, and take each step with enthusiasm, courage, and gratitude.

The challenges are immense, and the rewards are infinite.


Twin Flame codes are intrinsic to each pair, so if a pair holds union codes, and the role these codes would play in their journey, will be very specifically their own.

You either have at the very core of your being, the TF encoded material that is activated by meeting your TF or you don‘t. No-one else but your twin and your oversoul can provide this activation or reveal these codes to authentic flames. Another flame who‘s been on the journey for a longer time, who’s more advanced, and who has mastered the necessary stages, can guide and assist you in gaining clarity and/or overcoming certain challenges, but would never offer to do any of what belongs to you, in your place… the journey is yours.

TF codes are made of source-substance of the highest frequency, and can hardly be reduced to a particular physical form. For each pair, these codes may find a way to their consciousness either through various frequencies such as light, sound, etc… or simple direct knowing. Numerical sequences are way too dense to carry such frequencies.

That’s all I can say here, as I find it rather unnecessary to expand extensively upon something that is very unique to each pair and that can only be shared or communicated to the general public in very broad terms. I hope however that this helps.


You have been created from an Union as all beings.. and all of creation is worthy of love.
You may have allowed your dysfunctional family members or social environment make you believe you’re not worthy.. the road to self-love is individual: there’s no magic formula to be found outside of ourselves because all we need is within each of us.

If I were you I’d stop comparing myself with other people and seek the way out of the mental framework you’re operating from.. and start shifting your perception.

You may be seeing yourself through the eyes of others who are themselves suffering from a lack of self worth - to shift your perception: look for writings on the subject, find people who have experienced the turning around of their lack of self worth.

I’d stay away from people who make you doubt your worth, who make you feel less than you are. I’d disconnect from the world of masks and fake images; the majority of people don’t show their true selves, they hide behind an image which for instance was made by some slick digital device and they make up stories about their lives.
I’d focus on what makes you happy, on what makes you alive. I’d focus on your gifts, on what you have achieved (as small as it may seem, in the end it’s all relative), on how you could contribute to the world, on what you’d still like to learn to enrich your journey.
I’d stop seeking other peoples attention or approval and running after followers or likes.
You could use the affirmation technique, forgive yourself for past mistakes, get involved in activities and pursuits you truly and sincerely enjoy.

Celebrate any small step forward, celebrate life, celebrate the sun, the moon, the flowers, the beauty around you and be grateful for all.
You’ll find support if you start looking in the right direction.


My response to various enquiries re. astrology

Q: The case of Astrology applications 

The ascendant is a basic feature of a natal astrology chart, and I keep hearing cases of inaccuracy through astrology applications: well these occurrences are not surprising.
A beginner may struggle to distinguish truth from false in matters of astrological features, and will find it challenging to recognise the inherent flaws in the conception of these apps. Their content was not developed by serious professional astrologers - and this is why they fail to be reliable, at some level or another.
If you have interest in Astrology, I suggest you quit using any applications with a mercantile purpose. They are designed for easy profit, and are diluting astrology to its lowest denominator. Even if they introduce beginners to the realm of Astrology through entertainment and “fun”, such apps end up misleading users and preventing them from evolving beyond a “consumer” status.
There are however a number of platforms on the web that were developed by professional astrologers, and which would enhance the likelihood of receiving more accurate astrological data. Their softwares take into account certain complexities of this ancient practice, you would therefore be ensured a correct natal chart and ascendant. For chart delineation, I recommend using platforms such as Astrodienst, Astro-seek, etc which use professional astrology software.
But if you are also looking for chart interpretation, it is advisable to consult a professional astrologer, which would ensure a personalised interpretation if not a meaningful and authentic engagement with astrology, elevating your overall experience - and if you have interest in the practice, i suggest you start attending an astrology class.
In terms of personal chart interpretations, even the most dependable online platforms are bound to fall short, and only give generic answers. Their mechanical nature rely on algorithms and automated systems that necessitate generalisations, oversimplifying the profound scope of Astrology, thereby diminishing its inherent depth and wisdom.

Q: Does astrology help to know if I and my twin flame are meant to physically be in each other’s life? And how to know if we are split souls or another type?

Astrology is not an exact science and the data it provides, whichever system is being used, will be subject to interpretation.

Astrology may help clarify the energetic interaction between people and delineate the planetary cycles they are on - but all conventional astrological systems have one thing in common: they are designed to address the physical realm. 
Genuine Twin Flames are connected through all dimensions of their being, and cannot be apprehended from the physical plane alone. 
Being highly guided, those genuine TF who are meant to come together in the physical realm, already have an inner knowing of their destination or the type of counterparts they are, and wouldn’t need to seek help from an astrologer or any other type of reader, to figure it out. 
On the other hand, they may seek assistance and support in living through difficult phases. In such cases, multidimensional astrology—which is far from being systematized—may be for example, helpful for several other aspects of a TF journey, such as karmic knots, transmutation, etc... I imagine there’s only a handful of astrologers who have achieved such soul “mastery” required for this practice. In any case, these practitioners wouldn’t ever mislead you regarding the kind of answers they can provide.

Q: How do you use your natal chart to find your twin flame?

My immediate response to this question is: A natal chart is not to be used, and a Twin Flame is not to be looked for nor found by artificial means.

Twin Flames are encoded beings who meet one another unexpectedly according to divine timing. Your Natal Chart delineates your Soul map on the earthly plane, and may bring you many insights for your evolutionary path, but fortunately a birth chart fails to serve any “consumer” mindsets.

How about taking a break from social networks and their bashing, in order to reconnect with your authentic self, and approach existential matters with an innocent heart, releasing preconceived ideas you’ve gleaned from the outside?

Should you however have difficulties in doing so, and your quest be genuine, I’d suggest you consult a reliable and experienced astrologer to assist you in the process.

Q: Regarding “astrological indicators” and soul bonds, a question that is repeatedly treated as a formulaic listicle: to start with, words have a meaning and labels don’t.. labels are a commodity.

The great majority of people who identify with what have become labels, are not divine counterparts and some, not all, are actually involved in karmic connections.

In the case of flames, even though there are very few (72000 pairs in the whole wide world), there are various structurally differentiated flame collectives and each is recognisable by its specific soul frequency—so the would-be characteristics would also differ for each collective.. this implies right away that we’d be considering many potential indicators.

As for conventional astrology, no matter the system, there can’t be general rules for flames’ astrological indicators, as they would necessarily vary according to the different collectives. However, what has already been shown through practice is that an indicator for one pair does not apply for another, because each pair has its own specificity.

What an advanced practitioner would also tell you is that astrological interpretation is highly relative: some astrologers analyze the birth chart according to theoretical dogmas without making a connection to physical or etheric energies, let alone to the Being and the Soul, while other astrologers who don’t rely on conventional formulas can access all kinds of relevant data related to the soul’s journey.

Why do certain people with the same chart have very different destinies? What aspect of their natal charts binds these people?

There is a lesser known dimension to the mathematics involved in astrology which is not physical, it is multidimensional and its grasp depends entirely on the beholder’s soul frequency and relies on light codes.

The New Earth Astrology goes way beyond theories, formulas, symbols, numbers.. and labels.

Peace and light on your path

x A

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