20 January 2025

Trump’s inauguration chart, 20.01.2025 noon Wash.DC

20 January 2025 (on a mundane level)

Another snapshot of Trump’s inauguration chart—forgoing the biased astrological analysis and predictions offered by some astrologers specializing in financial data, and without pretending to cover all layers and aspects of the possible interpretations of this chart 
on the physical mundane level, I personally propose a slightly different outlook on this pivotal moment marking:
• the end of democracy as we have known it 
• the official beginning of a new form of tyranny and autocracy 

The 2024 U.S. elections were definitely a historic political rollercoaster. Despite legal challenges and two assassination attempts, Donald Trump overcame many odds, defeating the democrats to become the first U.S. president in 132 years to serve two non-consecutive terms. 
Astrologically, Trump’s secondary computed charts, along with strong placements in his natal chart, paved the way for his comeback and reflect his Soul contract and personal destiny. 
His second term, beginning January 20, 2025, is expected to bring major political and business changes, transformative events, and possibly initial significant financial gains...

But this date also symbolizes the actual materialized turning point for America and, by extension, the rest of the world.
All of the signs mentioned below have already emerged before this date. 
For example, it is already known that Trump’s inauguration party involves an outmatched $250M in bribery donations from an incredible list of self-interested “donors”…

Additionally, let’s recall the two significant eclipses that recently crossed the United States, one of which was exactly conjunct Trump’s chart. This eclipse highlighted his role in the U.S.’s Pluto return, along with its resulting ramifications. 
(ref. to my previous publications and Zoom presentations)

Trump is an air/fire full moon native, in resonance with several aspects of the US chart —amongst other things, his Gemini NN falls in the USA 7th hs chart.. what he stands for speaks strongly to only half of a polarised/divided American population. 
So from an insider view things seem rather clear-cut, but from another perspective which hardly gets addressed, American foreign policy impacts the whole planet and it is now of more immediate relevance.

And meanwhile, his expansionist declarations have already set the stage for some of the conflicting astrological aspects reflected in the chart.

In context of large collective cycles that are affecting the planet, there are notably major outer planet transits that are affecting the USA chart:
- it has recently undergone its first Pluto return since the birth of the Nation in 1776; the exact date of this return was 22.2.2022, when the Ukraine proxy war started
- it has also undergone its second Neptune opposition transit with exact dates in May 2021 and early March 2022
- and it will soon have its (3rd) Uranus return in July 2027 (during each past Uranus return, the US was at war)

[ For reference you may also want to read: 
“The Great American Eclipse Shift in Sovereignty” 
“An Eclipse beyond Measure”
Trump’s Inauguration Chart
20 January 2025, Noon, Washington, D.C.
(key aspects):
• Taurus Ascendant with Uranus in the first House 
• Sun conjunct Pluto, Part of Fortune, Fixed Star Altair (the Eagle), and the Midheaven / semisquare Venus conjunct Saturn
• Grand Cross: Moon conjunct Vertex square Mercury opposite Chiron square Mars
• Venus conjunct Saturn square Jupiter inconjunct Moon
• Mars (the most aspected planet in the chart) conjunct two fixed stars and opposite the Midheaven, trine 
Neptune in Pisces conjunct North Node 
 .  .  .     
1. Uranus in Taurus in the first hs
This probably explains how Trump is gathering the support of all the main actors from the financial systems and in particular those from the blockchain crypto mimos
Trump and his feuds whole and sole motivation is to overtake and fully dominate the global resources and financial systems — most likely by force 
Donald Trump’s speeches often focus on overthrowing the status quo, a theme closely tied to Uranus, which is in the first house of the 2025 Inauguration chart and moreover is prominent in his natal chart. 
With Uranus influencing his Midheaven and Mars, and key transits occurring around this inauguration, his second term is likely to be marked by unpredictable, chaotic energy. 
These astrological alignments suggest potential challenges to his own health, his reputation, and likely downfall, but also signal the intensification of his disruptive “Uranian” agenda, which keep deeply polarizing the Americans. 
Uranus in the first also heralds a new era of space exploration. 

In any case, what this means for America will unfold in the critical early months of his presidency.

2. Sun conjunct Pluto and Part of Fortune on the Midheaven
this aspect gives Trump (Sun) absolute power (Pluto), and despite the highly auspicious signs it also indicates:
• the risk of power abuse and corruption
• his megalomaniac egotism and how it will lead to destruction and downfall
• the end of America’s democratic foundation, its empire, and the alienation of allies, turning them into enemies
• Fixed Star Altair (the Eagle) is always conjunct the Sun on Inauguration Day, but I personally see the conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius in this chart giving it an extra symbolic dimension 

3. Moon and Mercury in a Grand Cross with Chiron and Mars 
this configuration is very dynamic and brings fast moving changes affecting directly the American people’s daily lives in various levels such as education, the media etc but it also indicates:
• an irrational, biased, and conflict-ridden use of information and communication
• blatant misinformation and distortion fed to the public

4. Venus Conjunct Saturn 
this aspect is significant in terms of management of resources and finance in general, it seeks security, and reassurance and therefore it doesn’t shy away from self imposed discipline, but it also speaks of a reality check and signifies:
• strict and almost rigid outline defining partnerships, overall values and money 
• extremely conservative policies
• restrictions imposed on women’s rights, as well as repression of the “feminine”
• a rise in intolerance & racial/racist policies
• the upcoming of an inevitable era of financial recession and depression—the separative aspect also still forms a square with Jupiter, while an applying inconjunct to the Moon (locked in a grand square) signals how the people ultimately bear the consequences of past and present policies

5. Mars retrograde in Cancer (most aspected planet in the chart)
is conjunct the Nadir and fixed stars Pollux and Procyon. 
it points to:
• a history rooted in violence, hatred, anger, rioting, and even murder, such as his role in organizing the Capitol attack
• associations with brutality, tyranny, violence, cruelty, obstinacy, jealousy, and impulsiveness
• a lack of awareness about how he triggers adversaries and creates enmity, ultimately leading to his downfall
Mars’s position also suggests:
• a constant risk of murder, violent death, or assassination
• his impulsive anger repeatedly damaging his own reputation
• but also his actions worsening the country’s position globally, as well as harming its people
Finally, this aspect indicates his difficulty in achieving long-term success due to his past actions, rivalries with world leaders, and the enemies he creates within his own sphere.

6. Considering several additional minor aspects from the Asteroids’ impact on the chart: 
~ Reflects how Trump is seen by many as a “messenger” for his administration’s identity. It warns of rash decisions and impulsive actions, echoing Trump’s unreflective style. It suggests decisive focus on rebuilding the infrastructure as well as eradicating radical Islamic terrorism.
~ Represents the steep challenges facing his administration, including an inexperienced team and massive infrastructure plans.
~ Symbolizes multiple controversies and destructive forces confronting his administration.
~ Reflects the potential for a lasting legacy tied to advanced technology and modernization, but with risks of being overwhelmed by challenges.
~ Depicts Trump’s crafted image as a “strong man” savior, and highlights his strategic thinking and big-picture planning but warns of his extremely distorted perceptions.

This chart in short, starkly reflects the gravity of the moment and its lasting impact on the United States and the world.
and I will end this with Martin Luther King Jr. words
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

Keep your eyes high 
Be Blessed

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© StellArium & Ethereal Counterparts

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