
Showing posts with the label jupiter

shh... feel great mother (2012) calling

Grand Earth Trine at 9°-10° : Jupiter, Venus, Lilith in Taurus - Pluto and Asteroid Amor in Capricorn - Mars and Asteroids Psyche, Eros and Arachne in Virgo 13 March 2012, 23:00 ut, 7e15 43n42 Evening sky looking west as seen from Adelaide at 20:00 pm local daylight saving time on 26 March 2012  showing Venus and Jupiter near the crescent Moon (and Pleiades above) ... (imade credit: sky watching uk)

in that we trust

This Sagittarius New Moon on 25 November 2011 coincides with a partial Solar Eclipse. With nearly 90% obscuration of the Sun, the eclipse will be visible across Antartica and New Zealand. Solar Eclipse 25 November 2011, 6:09:40gmt, 7e15, 43n42 Symbol : Two men playing chess According to Rudhyar,  the transmutation of man's natural aggressiveness under most conditions of existence is essential to socio-cultural living. Many rituals, sports and games have no other basic aim. In chess, the struggle between light and darkness (the Yang and Yin forces) is ritualized, ending in most cases with the checkmating of the king (the ego, the conscious self). In a dualistic world such a contest between polarized forces is omnipresent. The chess game trains men to be more objective, more careful, more aware of whole situations — and less impulsive and intent upon side issues. This symbol deals with conflict, but at a group culture level. Keynote: The transcendent rituali

new data .. from afar

keeping with jupiter.uranus promise read in NASA " Planck Mission Peels Back Layers Of The Universe " The Planck mission released a new data catalogue Tuesday from initial maps of the entire sky. Universe Today " Planck Unveils the Wonders of the Universe " article by Mark Thompson published on January 12, 2011 earlier info with the Spitzer Space Telescope here Science Daily " First Stars In The Universe " Astronomers Reveal First Objects In Our Universe (with video) from June 1, 2007

the ouroboros

  Well as a stepping out of the memorable trials of 2010, this last month has been quite challenging ! We recently had the total Lunar Eclipse at 29° Gemini on the Solstice, less than two degrees opposite the Galactic Center, reactivating matters that had come to light during the course of the past few years; it was followed on December 26-27 by the Sun aligning with Pluto at 5° Capricorn thus indicating that certain "secrets" or issues are revealed and made manifest in a rather dense form. As if it were not enough then on the 29th, hours before Mercury finally went direct in Sagittarius - to progressively clear our recent muddy thinking - Mars in Capricorn squared Saturn in Libra, asking us to abide our time while testing our courage, patience and ability to meet frustrations, obstacles and restrictions! 2011 started on its first day in a lighter mode with the Moon entering Sagittarius after she'd fully activated during the last hours of a difficult year, a p


Alignments of heavenly bodies are revealers - they operate and manifest thru progressive stages. The effects of eclipses are slow: they start with what is visible to the naked eye. After further scrutiny over the less perceptible, they reach a peak revealing then a need for rectification .. later on, what lied completely hidden at the beginning comes to the fore - in all clarity and full meaning. The same goes for any planetary cycle : there are as many stages of manifestations to be considered as there are aspects forming between two celestial bodies that move along. But we generally tend to reduce the cycle to four stages which represent the main 'crisis' points. The present Jupiter.Pluto cycle which started on December 11 2007 with a conjunction at 28°24 Sagittarius, was also aligned with the much talked about Galactic Center and has recently moved into its waxing square .. closing thereof the first chapter to this Jupiter.Pluto.Galactic Center story. When the God o

om bhur bhuvah svaha

reciting the gayatri mantra (considered by many, mother of all mantras) can be of great help in reaching inner calm before meditation practice ... it also fosters and sharpens our faculties om bhur bhuvah svaha tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yonah prachodayat om, a similar sound as produced by the kinetic energy of planets and stars moving in the cosmos ..

the 'great revolution'

Following the very recent Jupiter.Neptune conjunction and all my recent write ups, I can't help but comment on the green movement and the post-election events taking place in Iran to describe them as a seed for the "great revolution". By showing the way to our rising peacefully before any challenges that face us, the implications of such a movement and its effects on the global community are very positive for the future of our planet and are carriers of great Hope. In my humble opinion we are observing the seeds of some major historical changes: - the will: this new sense of 'Yes We Can' amongst people which started with the recent elections in U.S., is taking a new momentum with the iranian green movement and their 'We are all One'... much stronger than any past conflicts and divisive political postures amongst them, a green wave has travelled the planet in a new sense of unity/mutual support/cooperation between the diaspora and iranians a

a memorable conjunction

These are very crucial times with several major planetary cycles overlapping in a short period: Pluto recently aligned with the Galactic Center, a series of unusual eclipses, Jupiter conj. Neptune followed next year by Jupiter conj. Uranus and Saturn opp. Uranus both square Pluto ... and put in motion by the formation of the grand cross in 2010. Due to their respective cycles, once every 13 years Jupiter the Lord of fortune, expansion and opportunities conjuncts Neptune the Lord of the oceans, the collective unconscious, dreams, inspiration from above and .. confusion. As Rudhyar pointed out, in terms of historical and cultural relevance, the Jupiter Neptune cycle is most significant and quite a reliable tool for a step by step description as it is the only planetary cycle that occurs in the successive signs of the zodiac. This conjunction occurs in the last degrees of Aquarius (at 27° on 27 May 2009 and at 24° in December 2009), their previous meeting in this sign being in 1843

goodies for a change!

We have entered an upbeat phase, so to speak, indicated by Mercury's alignment with Jupiter and Uranus culminating tomorrow. It all begins to unfold today, yet we ought to expect surprises. Anything can happen! nasa on March 28 After the last weeks' intensity, this tuning into lovely Venus as she sextiles Jupiter and conjuncts independent Uranus on the same day will present a nice break.  Also on March 28, Uranus sextiles Jupiter, giving Venus its freedom theme!  When entering Sagittarius the Moon joins in this cheerful alignment, and will definitely help keep our spirits high. This is an electrifying, sparkly aspect. Be ready for an out-of-the-blue meeting, or a huge desire to change things.  In relationships, expect the kind of conversations exploring how close is too close, or how can the excitement be kept alive.  With mercury, tongues will go fast enough to speak first and think later. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and is in achievement-oriented Capricorn no