
Showing posts with the label neptune

words of wisdom

now almost exactly aligned with neptune   mercury in pisces (3°19) goes retrograde 6 february 2014 at 21:43 gmt it will be conjunct the sun at 27 aquarius on 15 february and will turn direct on 28 february 2014 words to meditate upon ...  ALL things in Nature work silently. They come into being and possess nothing. They fulfil their functions and make no claim. When merit has been achieved, do not take it to yourself; for if you do not take it to yourself, it shall never be taken from you. Follow diligently the Way in your own heart, but make no display of it to the world. Keep behind, and you shall be put in front; keep out, and you shall be kept in. Goodness strives not, and therefore it is not rebuked. He that humbles himself shall be preserved entire. He that bends shall be made straight. He that is empty shall be filled. He that is worn out shall be renewed. He who has little shall succeed. He who has much shall go astray. Therefore the Sa

tuning in

There is a great Master of Masters, the Indweller of your heart.  Turn the gaze inwards, withdraw the Indriyas and seek His help.  Rest in Him. Identify yourself with Him. Search Him in your heart.  - Swami Sivananda Full Moon 22 July 2013, 18:52:32 gmt, 7e15 43n42 hear your inner master is he calling you to meet the current challenge of sustainability? interestingly Guru Purnima celebration this year (our thanking of teachers and masters) coincides with Jupiter (conjunct Mars and Lilith) aligning in a grand trine with Saturn and Neptune announcing the Star of David configuration An old Adobe mission in California. Key: The power inherent in all great human works to endure far beyond the workers' life spans. The works and spirit of the Spanish priests who directed the building of the California missions have had a lasting influence on the development of this land; these remain as a monument to the men who were able to make their mark upon this alien

dancing hearts

During this Full Moon, the Sun in Pisces is conjunct Chiron and Neptune and Venus is about to join in when she enters Pisces the following day... while the Moon in Virgo is trine to Pluto, quincux Uranus, and sextile to Saturn which in turn is trine the Sun. Jupiter seats at the apex point of a T-square, forming an exact square to the Moon - Sun axis Mercury which turned retrograde a couple of days ago will be in exact conjunction to Mars at 19° Pisces on the following day. The mutable Virgo Pisces axis represents a transition and indicates adaptability. Full Moon in Virgo, 25 February 2013, 20:26:04 gmt, 7e15 43n42 symbol a five-year-old child takes a first dancing lesson key: Learning to use one's capacity for emotional self-expression according to cultural standards. The process of emotional experiencing under controlled situations is shown now to demand self-induced, active movement; yet the movements are still conditioned, if not totally determi

deep healing

an opportunity for deep healing spotting light on the root cause The Fall and Expulsion from the Garden of Eden (1509/1510). by Michelangelo “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”  ~ Genesis 3:16-19 on 31 August 2012 at 13hr58 GMT the full moon is conjunct Chiron and Neptune in Pisces, trine Mars in Scorpio

what remains

A brief look at the last New Moon of this solar year.. Many layers of significance are to be found in the depths of the Pisces alignment of this New Moon. The Sun and Moon conjunction activate Neptune' entrance and 14yrs sojourn into the sign - and along with Chiron and Pallas, they do highlight the nature of its energy. It is about what we call 'culture' or what remains whence everything else has disappeared.. capicúa / palindromic New Moon, 21.02.2012, 22:34:34ut, 7e15 43n42 Symbol 3° Pisces : Petrified tree trunks lie broken on desert sand. According to Rudhyar: Key : The power to preserve records of their achievements which is inherent in fully matured cultures.  When a vast group of men succeed in building a culture with strong institutions which express themselves in significant symbols and works of art or literature, such an effort of many generations is rarely lost altogether. In one form or another, records of this culture endure or are mys

3D mapping for the ascending

November Full Moon, 10.11.2011, 20:16:05 gmt, 7e15, 43n42 Symbol 19° Taurus: A New Continent Rising Out Of The Ocean key word : spontaneity according to rudhyar : a new horizon emerges once the crisis is over. when the mind has been emptied and light has been called upon to purify the consciousness - freed from its attachment and contaminations - a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, the virgin SPACE. rudhyar ends with this question : what will it be used for? in the above full moon chart, aside from the Sun Moon opposition asking us to achieve a Mars-Venus balance between crisis-prone transformative passionate Scorpio and placid stability-loving Taurus or between the lord of the Underworld (Plutonian Scorpio) and Gaïa (Taurean Mother Earth), there is on one hand a rather cheerful and expansive conjunction between Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius slowly approaching the North Node which allows for a warm and wider perspective (

tear off the veil

  (from jodrellbank centre)  We are going through the last planetary occultation of Regulus (Qalb el Asad) in Leo after 5000 years (or the lesser wheel in recorded history). It enters the constellation Virgo in 2012 and is eclipsed by Mercury at last degree of Leo tonight (visible at dawn, low on the eastern horizon) The brightest Star in the constellation of Leo (Alpha Leonis) it is closest to the ecliptic (occasionally eclipsed by Mercury or Venus) In Zoroastrian belief (as found in the Zend-Avesta) Regulus (Venant) was considered as the guardian of the (South) Persian Kingdom and presiding over affairs of all kingdoms (literally and metaphorically).. 2012 will represent a shift in our universe A shift in our vision of the world, of ourselves We are officially entering a new age - after thousands of years, our perception of matter (4%) a very small proportion of the universe .. our concepts of power, energy, love, life, ego, identity, etc are to change !! With Neptune oppo

the 'great revolution'

Following the very recent Jupiter.Neptune conjunction and all my recent write ups, I can't help but comment on the green movement and the post-election events taking place in Iran to describe them as a seed for the "great revolution". By showing the way to our rising peacefully before any challenges that face us, the implications of such a movement and its effects on the global community are very positive for the future of our planet and are carriers of great Hope. In my humble opinion we are observing the seeds of some major historical changes: - the will: this new sense of 'Yes We Can' amongst people which started with the recent elections in U.S., is taking a new momentum with the iranian green movement and their 'We are all One'... much stronger than any past conflicts and divisive political postures amongst them, a green wave has travelled the planet in a new sense of unity/mutual support/cooperation between the diaspora and iranians a

a memorable conjunction

These are very crucial times with several major planetary cycles overlapping in a short period: Pluto recently aligned with the Galactic Center, a series of unusual eclipses, Jupiter conj. Neptune followed next year by Jupiter conj. Uranus and Saturn opp. Uranus both square Pluto ... and put in motion by the formation of the grand cross in 2010. Due to their respective cycles, once every 13 years Jupiter the Lord of fortune, expansion and opportunities conjuncts Neptune the Lord of the oceans, the collective unconscious, dreams, inspiration from above and .. confusion. As Rudhyar pointed out, in terms of historical and cultural relevance, the Jupiter Neptune cycle is most significant and quite a reliable tool for a step by step description as it is the only planetary cycle that occurs in the successive signs of the zodiac. This conjunction occurs in the last degrees of Aquarius (at 27° on 27 May 2009 and at 24° in December 2009), their previous meeting in this sign being in 1843