
equanimity and fair culture

some reminders .. stages of considerations for the astrological year : for each of the four seasons we need to consider their ingress point chart, when the energies for the season to come are "inscribed", and their subsequent new moon chart, when the same energies are "subscribed". of foremost relevance within this sequence is the Aries chart because the unfolding of energies for the entire astrological year is inscribed in the spring equinox / Aries ingress point chart. the fall equinox its polar counterpart, usually offers a mirror "image" to further our understanding of the current planetary cycles and patterns in the year's development.   Vernal Equinox: 20 March 2011, 23:20:44 GMT, chart for 7e15 43n42 Norouz 1390 تحویل سال  - Tehran, 21 March 2011, 2:50:44 hr    Aries New Moon, 3 April 2011, 14:32:19 GMT, chart for 4e42 50n53  symbol 14° Aries: a serpent coiling near a man and a woman. Automnal Equinox, 23 Sept

In the Shadow of Saturn

In the shadow of Saturn, unexpected wonders appear. The robotic Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn drifted in giant planet's shadow for about 12 hours in 2006 and looked back toward the eclipsed Sun. Cassini saw a view unlike any other. First, the night side of Saturn is seen to be partly lit by light reflected from its own majestic ring system. Next, the rings themselves appear dark when silhouetted against Saturn, but quite bright when viewed away from Saturn, slightly scattering sunlight, in this exaggerated color image.   Saturn's rings light up so much that new rings were discovered, although they are hard to see in the image. Seen in spectacular detail, however, is Saturn's E ring, the ring created by the newly discovered ice-fountains of the moon Enceladus and the outermost ring visible above. Far in the distance, at the left, just above the bright main rings, is the almost ignorable pale blue dot of Earth. The huge storm churning through the atmosphere

tear off the veil

  (from jodrellbank centre)  We are going through the last planetary occultation of Regulus (Qalb el Asad) in Leo after 5000 years (or the lesser wheel in recorded history). It enters the constellation Virgo in 2012 and is eclipsed by Mercury at last degree of Leo tonight (visible at dawn, low on the eastern horizon) The brightest Star in the constellation of Leo (Alpha Leonis) it is closest to the ecliptic (occasionally eclipsed by Mercury or Venus) In Zoroastrian belief (as found in the Zend-Avesta) Regulus (Venant) was considered as the guardian of the (South) Persian Kingdom and presiding over affairs of all kingdoms (literally and metaphorically).. 2012 will represent a shift in our universe A shift in our vision of the world, of ourselves We are officially entering a new age - after thousands of years, our perception of matter (4%) a very small proportion of the universe .. our concepts of power, energy, love, life, ego, identity, etc are to change !! With Neptune oppo

chandra grahan

"Any cycle of existence must begin in something. Life emerges out of one kind of seed or another. In the cycle of yearly vegetation, the seed lies hidden in the ground during the winter; then, as the sun's rays gain strength and spring begins, the great event of germination occurs. As the seed is torn asunder by some inner power of eager response to the sun, the rootlet stretches itself downward into the soil and the little germ reaches up to the crust of the soil, which it breaks in a magnificent gesture of liberation from the darkness of the past."   Meditations on Saturn by Dane Rudhyar The Total Lunar Eclipse at 25° Sagittarius during 15 June 2011 Full Moon, happens with the Earth perfectly aligned between the Sun and Moon - so 'she' will pass at the very center thru the Earth' shadow .. and will turn copper for even longer. Reactivating the same degree as that of December 2008 and closer to the Galactic center, the

fair-culture 1

In the same manner we'd come up with the notion of fair-trade, it has become obvious at least to me that the "new world" we keep talking about, is in deep need of implementing a fair-culture. I usually find wordiness to blur meaning and my general feeling about the increasing jabber on the blogosphere is that we would be better off expressing ourselves with greater parsimony. The ever-increasing saturation of our world by restless noise and buzzing information-news-opinions-stories in our cyberspace .. is reaching such a degree of non-sense that many of us may want to 'turn it off'. Don't they say God likes silence? Despite the current need for silence, I will explain what I mean by fair-culture and propose an ethereal counterpart to this eclipse season through several posts. This part is an introduction. kali yantra ©Vamakhepa With a sequence of three eclipses during the next month, I can think of no better time to dust off som

in between ... ether and gaïa

  after some time off from stellArium & ethereal counterparts, on this beautiful MoonDay, i will attempt to share some of my current visions and thoughts .. even if it's somewhat difficult to find my words this morning i went out before dawn to watch the cluster and it somehow "spoke" to me morning sky looking East during first part of May according to which house in our chart was activated by the ongoing cluster of planets in Aries, much has recently been happening in that given area of our lives .. most have experienced an incredible amount of energy that enabled the launch of a new cycle however, this initial energy stemming pure and direct from the deepest core of the "self" ..  also had with every occurrence, to go through a particular retributive phase each of the personal planets in Aries first contacted Uranus in Aries (standing alone & total break from the past), then squared Pluto in Capricorn (purification of sorts to better con

the New Day

for thousands of years our Culture was One with Nature and Life was understood according to its cyclic rythm in recent history, some have opposed culture against Nature until chaos reaches its bitter end - while disasters keep pointing us back to The Way .. Nowrooz, the New Day, celebrating the exact astronomical time of the vernal equinox when the center of the sun enters the aries point and crosses the equator, reminds us that it is never too late .. for Hope feb 18-Mar 5 period has been a major turning point in global choices, marking our collective course for a long time - these choices made despite our 'selves' came to 'light' under the last full moon (mar 19), at the same time as an alignment with our age-old wisdom .. in any case since march 19, we have entered a "retributive" zone i have described earlier, which will last until early may : the effect is retributive and karmic so the truth can stand out - it therefore blocks, delays, suppre

the time keeper is the promise keeper and dream fulfiller

Bronze astrolabe made in Iraq in 927-28 - the earliest known example of a dated astrolabe.

the ouroboros

  Well as a stepping out of the memorable trials of 2010, this last month has been quite challenging ! We recently had the total Lunar Eclipse at 29° Gemini on the Solstice, less than two degrees opposite the Galactic Center, reactivating matters that had come to light during the course of the past few years; it was followed on December 26-27 by the Sun aligning with Pluto at 5° Capricorn thus indicating that certain "secrets" or issues are revealed and made manifest in a rather dense form. As if it were not enough then on the 29th, hours before Mercury finally went direct in Sagittarius - to progressively clear our recent muddy thinking - Mars in Capricorn squared Saturn in Libra, asking us to abide our time while testing our courage, patience and ability to meet frustrations, obstacles and restrictions! 2011 started on its first day in a lighter mode with the Moon entering Sagittarius after she'd fully activated during the last hours of a difficult year, a p

Light at the heart of Darkness

“ I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” Hafez As everyone has been writing extensively about the significance of having a Total Lunar Eclipse occur just hours before the Solstice, I will not enter the dispute over the last occurence of such astrological event and will only add my two penny with a few considerations. This total Lunar Eclipse occurring at 29° Gemini while the Full Moon is closely aligned to the Nodes, is joined by Mercury retrograde and Pluto, and is squared Uranus .. Days prior to this Sagittarius Sun. Gemini Moon opposition, time speeded up with Mars joining the North Node before a triple meeting with Pluto and Mercury gone retrograde: many probably have experienced breakdowns and breakthroughs .. revealing in due course the 'karmic' dimensions of the current times. But feeling that time to take important decisions was inevitably approaching, we've probably pondered over all poss