
A tale of a “milkmaid and her pail”

ill. : J. Désandré & W.-H. Freeman It’s decided, I’m a Twin Flame.. or maybe a false one. Imagine a person walking out the door one morning, and stumbling upon another who looks so very familiar. They somehow start talking to one another and decide to go for coffee. They realise they have much in common. They feel attraction and ease with one another: a story has started. There will be more coffees, outings, and soon they become intimate. They find their bond to be very special, unlike their previous experiences. One of the two who is familiar with internet trends and all sorts of romanticised labels, even starts identifying with the TF sticker. In any case, after some time the story has its bumps and complications.. ups and downs. In short, what any story is made of.  The two separate because it’s become a bit stifling for Person M who needs a breeze, even though Person F would prefer not. In fact the emotional dependency has become so intense for F, it’s close to being an add...

decoding (the journey) I

Before delving into several issues that come up during sessions, I would like to share a series of observations on prevalent notions that have garnered significant attention. In doing so, I aim to avoid lengthy discourses and repetitive content from previous posts. Taking into account that my certainties come from my codes and my primary reliance is on my higher guidance - “online research” represents  a supplementary alleyway. I occasionally  draw inspiration from writings of the past and may refer to them for certain specific confirmations. However, it is important to acknowledge that ancient texts were written for a different era that is already behind us. . We don't have multiple Twin Flames, the word Twin means two:  we only have one Twin Flame  with whom we were born out of the "white fire" of one single ovoid of Light in the Central Sun. At first, as two spheres of light and then as Souls once we descend through dimensions into Matter. Twin Flames are duplica...

bathing in the new light

What we have been releasing since this past March helped heal the parts of ourselves that hinder Love, so that by mid-May, we could wash ourselves from some deeply hidden thousands of years old stories and jumpstart our ascension process. In this process, we found ourselves with no other choice but to let go of obsolete mental structures, of remaining illusions, and of the ego with its need to drive and  control some kind of irrelevant outcome. Many of us have by now learned to trust and allow a powerful and gentle crystalline light to gradually expand within the heart, at the same time that we were facing difficult changes in the material plane and learning how to master a whole new manifestation mode... truly it has been some of the most challenging times, but all along light beings have been on our sides inviting us for a dive into the purifying bath of divine Love. With this Full Moon in Sagittarius, another type of portal has now opened: both lunation rulers Mercury and Jupite...

one who measures and who knows

I have been clearly seeing the New Earth on a different timeline, in its light-body and ascended dimension - since 2019. is the New Earth supposed to materialise or is ‘matter’ that which is supposed to transmute into a higher frequency?  as we each ascend and change vibration, our consciousness is bridging the two dimensions. whichever way we look at it, if the ascending collectives are still here, it must also be for a good reason and it means perhaps that there’s still something to be done. i write this  as Mercury is about to turn direct in Taurus and Jupiter is to enter Taurus, before Pluto gets fully activated by both Jupiter and Mars..  and  we are soon to hear  the Great Mother’ resounding clamour  “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.”  ~ Revelation 21:1 with every moon cycle there’s a sense of a dense grip  getting tighter around the world.  the moon energy pertains to th...

the silence that matters

  This short text, revisited after a transformative Eclipse season and during a Mercury retrograde, and in which I am sharing my understanding on the matter of silence between divine counterparts, pretends to stretch way beyond and deeper than skin level. Because no words can convey a love so vast as the entire universe. In light and dark once we’re activated, sacred love makes us see the truth of our being in ALL dimensions – we soon engage in the transmutation process, the alchemy.. during which there are many stages that may bring up unbearable experiences as well as uncontrollable resistance – and this is not about one being the runner and the other being the chaser.. one being spiritual and the other being matrix. All these labels have been misleading a number of genuine divine counterparts to whom I’d like to address this post.. because very few people may resonate. A twin flame journey after activation ignites a purification, which soon brings up the transmutation of the sha...

la courbe

  Le corridor entre les deux éclipses du 20 avril et du 5 mai 2023 est ressenti comme une période très inconfortable par beaucoup d'entre nous. Tout en étant un accélérateur pour tous, il est vécu comme un tourbillon par ceux d’entre nous qui sommes en ascension. Au cours de cette période, l'éclipse totale du Soleil dans le dernier degré anarétique du Bélier est en carré avec Pluton dans le premier degré du Verseau, puis Mercure entre en rétrogradation en Taureau, tandis que Mars n’est pas du tout confortable dans sa traversée du signe du Cancer. De plus, l'éclipse lunaire en Scorpion opposée à Uranus va clore le passage nodal à travers l'axe Taureau-Scorpion.  Cette éclipse lunaire s'accompagne également de Vénus en Gémeaux en carré avec Neptune et en sextile avec Jupiter en Bélier, qui lui se rapproche du point de l'éclipse solaire en carré avec Pluton (le gouverneur de l'éclipse lunaire). Eclipse Solaire 29°49 Bélier 20.04.2023 4:12gmt Eclipse Lunaire 14°...

the curve (w. updates)

The corridor between the two eclipses of 20 April & 5 May 2023 feels very uncomfortable for many of us. It is an accelerator for everyone and a vortex for the ascending.  During this period the total solar eclipse in the last anaretic degree of Aries is square Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius, then Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus, while Mars is uncomfortably going through Cancer, and the Scorpio lunar eclipse opposite Uranus is to close the nodal passage through the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The lunar eclipse also comes with Venus in Gemini square Neptune and sextile Jupiter in Aries, which in turn is approaching the solar eclipse point that squares Pluto (the lunar eclipse ruler).. Astrologically, there are many major planetary shifts and portals throughout the year, and they are causing huge transformations [more about this in previous and coming posts ]:  it affects us all on a collective level and it will cause outstanding planetary events, as there is still so much...