
Light v Void

  The Full Moon in Leo has recently fully shed its light on the nature of creation, expression, and their spiritual significance - in the context of Pluto having just entered Aquarius, and being also part of the opposition in the Full Moon chart, it is something of very great significance in fact, which few may have noticed. This Full Moon follows shortly the Sun.Pluto conjunction, and the charts are all very much related — they are part of the same energetic reset, with amongst other features, a notable alignment of Venus and GC. I will give here a few hints as to why, in matters of creation and expression, authenticity and being in full energetic alignment with one’s core, matter.  Sun conjunct Pluto, 20.01.2024 @ 13:45gmt Leo Full Moon, 25.01.2024 @ 17:53gmt Creation emanates, silence is full, the void is empty. AI, Chatgpt, and most of the virtual material circulating nowadays generate much grey-noise as well as 4D “pollution” — but for the most part, they have no incidenc...

la rectification du thème astral

Rectification de l’heure de naissance (en réponse à une demande de lecteur) Ne pas disposer de son heure de naissance précise peut être frustrant, car cela empêche la détermination du signe de l’ascendant. L'ascendant est crucial pour comprendre divers positions planétaires. Cependant, l'absence d’une heure précise de naissance peut également donner lieu à une expérience astrologique unique qui va au-delà de la pratique astrologique conventionnelle. Pour de tels cas, il existe une méthode appelée rectification de l’heure de naissance, qui est une tâche longue, laborieuse et méticuleuse prenant beaucoup plus de temps que toute autre étude astrologique. Elle nécessite plusieurs consultations, ce qui rend le coût d'une telle étude relativement élevé. Cette étude ne peut être réalisée que par un astrologue expérimenté possédant des compétences de recherche et des méthodes de haut niveau. Rectifier avec précision l'heure de naissance, implique tout d’abord de déterminer la c...

on astrological rectification

  Birth time rectification (in response to a reader's enquiry)   Not having a precise time of birth can be frustrating, as it prevents the determination of the ascendant sign. The ascendant is crucial for understanding various planetary placements. However, the absence of an accurate birth time can also open doors to a unique astrological experience that goes beyond conventional astrology practice. For such cases, there's a method called birth time rectification, which is a lengthy, laborious, meticulous task that takes up much more time than any other astrology study. It necessitates several consultations, making the cost of such a study relatively expensive.  This study can only be done by an experienced astrologer with high-level research skills and practical tools, that entail the utilisation of significant life events to accurately rectify the birth time and eventually establish a correct natal chart. Regarding my personal experience with rectification of natal chart...

Another year over..

  2023 is over it is possibly time - overdue - for those hesitant or still wondering, to awaken to an ultimate reality WE CREATE OUR REALITY the more we focus, envision, think, about something, the more we’ll manifest it into our lives and our reality the more we listen to an outside (alien) narrative, the more it will get imprinted in our mind, our being, and unconsciously we participate in its coming to be let go NOW of the narratives of fear, hate, division, war, and destruction these will disappear the minute  - enough of us retrieve our attention and focus - from their wavelength… - enough of us let go of “their” imposed dark design and storyline when enough of us turn our focus on LIGHT we turn our story to an illuminated one I invite you all to stop watching their channels, their images, their sounds.. I invite you all to believe in yourselves, in your sovereignty, in your wholeness, in your power to BE your authentic, original selves unpolluted by their dark design I i...

entre deux mondes

Le Château des Pyrénées, René Magritte - 1959, 200x145cm Il est facile de perdre un point de vue juste et correct lorsque notre existence est encombrée de trop nombreux dispositifs superflus. Nous finissons par nous sentir piégés dans un cycle de poursuites futiles et d'illusions qui occupent tout notre espace mental et notre attention. Le monde est saturé d'un excès de "choses": un surplus écrasant d'images, de sons, d'idées et de possessions matérielles. Comme une spirale qui nous entraîne dans le chaos, qui prospère des excès et nous plonge dans un désordre à la fois sombre et apparemment flamboyant - pour finalement et essentiellement nous mener vers une confrontation avec un vide sans précédent. Rompre avec tout cet excès ne peut se faire que par un choix délibéré, et il est crucial de reconnaître comment tout ce surplus de futilités est devenu un fardeau beaucoup trop lourd.  Dégager notre environnement, nous libérer et nous débarrasser d'objets maté...

between two worlds

Le Château des Pyrénées, René Magritte - 1959, 200x145cm It is easy to lose perspective when we have cluttered our existence with too many superfluous devices. We end up feeling trapped in a cycle of futile pursuits and illusions that occupy our mental space and attention.  The world is oversaturated with an excess of “things”: an overwhelming surplus of images, sounds, ideas, and belongings. It has been spiraling into chaos, thriving on excess and plunging into a dark yet flamboyant disorder - which in essence is leading us into an unprecedented confrontation with a stark void. Once we awaken to this awareness, breaking free from this excess can only be made by a deliberate choice.  To recognise how all this surplus of trivialities has become a heavy burden is crucial.  To empty our environment, to release and let go of unnecessary material belongings, to clear our mental and emotional bodies can all take time but it is life-enhancing. It may open doors to alterna...