Light v Void


The Full Moon in Leo has recently fully shed its light on the nature of creation, expression, and their spiritual significance - in the context of Pluto having just entered Aquarius, and being also part of the opposition in the Full Moon chart, it is something of very great significance in fact, which few may have noticed.
This Full Moon follows shortly the Sun.Pluto conjunction, and the charts are all very much related — they are part of the same energetic reset, with amongst other features, a notable alignment of Venus and GC.
I will give here a few hints as to why, in matters of creation and expression, authenticity and being in full energetic alignment with one’s core, matter. 

Sun conjunct Pluto, 20.01.2024 @ 13:45gmt

Leo Full Moon, 25.01.2024 @ 17:53gmt

Creation emanates, silence is full, the void is empty.

AI, Chatgpt, and most of the virtual material circulating nowadays generate much grey-noise as well as 4D “pollution” — but for the most part, they have no incidence on our essence, other than distracting and delaying us from our “path”.

Authorising or not the utilisation, reproduction etc of our creations, expressions, and words has consequences — and its not what most people may tend to think..  
If a person who generates a text or images, forgets to specify in which way they authorise their use and circulation, the substance these carry will progressively get diluted into a grey-noise zone.
Because of my own ability and long experience with sensing frequencies or seeing through words and expressions to identify their original transmitter — I say to you readers of these words, that at some point we will all be able to see through all the veils… people’s presence, words, expressions, actions, are reflections, carrying their core frequency. 

When we use AI tools inappropriately, or unduly appropriate someone else’s words, images, etc in order to appear / pretend to be other than our true selves, the material that’s put out this way, is emptied of substance - and consequently, these words and images are “voided”. They will not emanate, resonate, nor contribute.. so, what’s the use?
When someone’s words or creations stir something in you — your appropriating it in any way or form, makes it use-less... 
Whereas, by giving an attribution to the words and images of another, you establish the link to its original source and therefore its substance: it becomes meaning-full!
Better still, if you are stirred and inspired by something, to tap upon your core in order to create and express your own, it will contribute to the Whole and go a long way.. an unimaginable long way.

Pluto in Aquarius will surely tear many veils, and shed much light upon our “shadows” in relation to the use of our mind, and our intelligence, both natural and artificial -  as well as emphasise the importance of authenticity.
More to come on this subject, soon.

I invite you to meditate on these matters 

x AA

not for translation or reproduction ©️ stellArium & ethereal counterparts 

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