
telescopes at Paranal ..

© Yuri Betetski telescopes at the Paranal Observatory in Chile being used to produce an artificial star in the high atmosphere with a laser beam.

momentum : the harvest

have you noticed how the new moon falling before the Libra ingress / fall equinox is always a major momentum in the astrological year ? New Moon 8/9/2010 10:29:49GMT 7e15 43n42 the Virgo new moon corresponds to the harvest month and represents the mid-cycle 'gathering' impulse, from all our earlier responses to cosmic conditions since the Aries ingress - it is in fact a 'karmic' moment, when our sowing and labor lead up to fruit bearing, when the result of our intentions, actions and reactions is made manifest .. hence the symbol of the virgin (initial idea/concept) holding a sheaf of wheat (now given physical form). the planet Mercury is the main ruler of Virgo and gives it the detached mental acuity for precise detailed "work", while understandably so Ceres, now considered a secondary ruler, enhances the provider and nurturer dimensions of the sign as well as its intimate relationship to Nature .   as i looked at this chart, the first


24/08/2010 17:06:46GMT 7e15 43n42 Could you explain to someone who's never seen any, what it feels like to take a ride on a Ferris wheel? Difficult .. But once they finally get to take a ride, they will make sense of all the gut feelings and sensations you'd tried to describe them earlier. Well imagine that your own spiritual path is like a ride on an unknown kind of Ferris wheel. You will read many map roads and formulae trying to learn about it in manuals .. but at the end these will appear very pale once you're riding on it. Most of what will become has not been written.

under the sign of Love

blue Venus 20/08/2010, 18:48 GMT, 7e15 43n42 To understand better the effects of today's Venus-Mars conjunction at 14° Libra which is the first of three conjunctions to occur in the next 9 months (due to Venus retrograde' motion in the fall) - please reflect on the summer 1978 - spring 1979 period, which corresponds to the last Venus Mars triple conjunction in similar signs. The mechanics behind human relationships follow subtle rules and escape our rational grasp, in particular when it comes to our own; so look at the aspects this conjunction makes to your own chart. This very special pattern involving the Venus-Mars cycle and the combining recurrence with Venus retrograde has important implications on the social dimension of our relationships. In fact there's bound to be a deep spiritual transformation of the nature of both our relational aspirations and our very commitment to one another during such a key moment .. but the visible effect can only be gradual. A


Alignments of heavenly bodies are revealers - they operate and manifest thru progressive stages. The effects of eclipses are slow: they start with what is visible to the naked eye. After further scrutiny over the less perceptible, they reach a peak revealing then a need for rectification .. later on, what lied completely hidden at the beginning comes to the fore - in all clarity and full meaning. The same goes for any planetary cycle : there are as many stages of manifestations to be considered as there are aspects forming between two celestial bodies that move along. But we generally tend to reduce the cycle to four stages which represent the main 'crisis' points. The present Jupiter.Pluto cycle which started on December 11 2007 with a conjunction at 28°24 Sagittarius, was also aligned with the much talked about Galactic Center and has recently moved into its waxing square .. closing thereof the first chapter to this Jupiter.Pluto.Galactic Center story. When the God o

the flood

" Humanity is like a giant spiderweb. If you touch it anywhere, you set the whole thing trembling. As we move around this world and as we act with kindness, perhaps, or with indifference, or with hostility, toward the people we meet, we too are setting the great spider web a-tremble. The life that I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place and time my touch will be felt. Our lives are linked. No man is an island. " ~ Frederick Buechner " Over hill, over dale, Thorough bush, thorough brier, Over park, over pale, Thorough flood, thorough fire, I do wander everywhere. " ~ William Shakespeare

la source

« Le centre est une source, à travers laquelle jaillit, s'écoule l'esprit. Et tous les participants à la communauté prennent part à ce jaillissement. Sous son état primordial, cet esprit n'est pas une « chose » et pourtant, il est potientialité d'un nombre infini de « choses ». Du coeur de la galaxie jaillit l'infinie potentialité, en source d'existence réelle. L'existence est toujours finie ; seule la potentialité d'existence peut être considérée comme infinie. Toute communauté galactique a un but fini : une place et une fonction dans le Tout universel. Mais ce n'est pas une fonction séparative. Les galaxies forment des amas de galaxies ; les communautés ne peuvent exister et prospérer que si elles comprennent et réalisent effectivement leur relation aux autres communautés, au sein de la « Communauté Universelle de l'Homme » planétaire. Dans une communauté galactique, l'intégration ne dépend pas de l'existence d'un centre « solaire

.. on Easter island

   Easter island at night. George Willis captured the most coveted Easter Island solar eclipse image: the total eclipse above the famous Moai (large stone sculptures). George Willis photo July 11, 2010, total solar eclipse from Easter Island.  Jeff Houpt photo

"The Flute of Krishna"

Shri Krishna sharanam mamah please click to access 'The Eight Sacred Syllables' Total solar eclipse (new moon) July 11 2010, 19:40:28GMT, 7e15 43n42 Symbol for 19-20° Cancer : "Venetian Gondoliers Giving A Serenade" Just as the lotus emerges from the deep muds, so does the "flowering" of the higher self - thru music, one may rise from the socially integrated consciousness that floats right above the waters of the collective unconscious and reach out to the suspended balconies above the venetian canals ... where the 'beloved' stands. This next Sun and Moon alignment occurring in an ongoing polarized environment (still quite active is the cross between Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter.Uranus as mentioned in earlier posts) is however in sextile with the fiery and passionate energy of Mars in Virgo and heralds some creative, productive and constructive times. However during the days prior to the eclipse, Venus will cloud our discernment on t

Time has come

Time has come to embrace 'it' and breathe gently into it - with all the life force you can muster .. Despite some flowing aspects such as Neptune's trine to the Sun (June 19) and later to Mercury (June 24), the week leading to the partial lunar eclipse (June 26) is laden with confusing polarization and tensions. 1 : Summer Solstice on June 21, 2010 at 11:28:30 GMT is interestingly aligned on a similar axis (ascendants and MCs are very close in degrees in both charts) as that of the lunar eclipse because they happen a few days and minutes apart .. Chart for June 21 2010 - 7e15, 43n42 - 11:28:30 GMT In this chart there are two major patterns to look at: a Grand Trine involving the Moon, Sun.Juno and Neptune.Quiron.Lilith on one side and a Grand Cross involving the Sun.Juno, Saturn, Jupiter.Uranus, Pluto.Ceres.NNode on the other. The Grand Trine and the Grand Cross both speak of a 'perfect' equilibrium: one is a gift from above and is here to help wh