
the new tide

countdown vernal equinox / Aries ingress  تحویل سال نو ۱۳۹۷ به وقت تهران ساعت ۷ و ۴۵ دقيقه و ۲۸ ثانيه سه شنبه ۲۹ اسفند ۱۳۹۶  Tuesday 20 March 2018 London 16:15:28 Paris 17:15:28 Los Angeles time 09:15:28  a new slate a new beginning a new cosmic tide a new resonance my yearly wishes for all may the coming solar year be more boon than bondage may it bring victory over the dark may it release the light within each one of us may it erase regrets may it heal the sick may it feed the hungry may it draw the chart of compassion in the rigid hearts may it raise hope in the saddened ones may it tame the wild angry ones may it guide all those in need ..  and may it bring common sense and vision amongst all leaders  so our dreams and ideals of a better world come ever closer and true! blessings to all  نوروز همگی پيروز [chart drawn for Nice, France] ADDENDUM - 21.04.2018 quicky about this Aries ingress chart this chart works in favour of peo

a quest for meaning - II

Zodiacal Man, Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry The Spiritual Value of Astrology One of the main problems facing astrologers in their attempts to make astrology officially recognized as a legitimate and wholesome pursuit is not only the recent vulgarization of some of its most general and questionable aspects, but the vagueness and ambiguity of the way in which the very substance and purpose of astrology are defined.       It is probable that most people, if asked what astrology is, would say — in one way or another — that astrology deals with the influences of the Sun, the Moon, the planets and the stars upon human beings, and indeed upon all living organisms and such social "organisms" as nations, business firms, etc. They would add that the purpose of astrology is to ascertain the basic character and the future development of such persons and organizations in terms of definite expectable events. Very likely a great majority of astrologers would claim that ast

a quest for meaning - I

M. C. Escher (1898 - 1972) Astrology is an attempt to bring order, consistency and meaning  to the series of usually confused and conflicting happenings which constitute our life experience. The "basic scientist" likewise, as he tries to discover "laws of Nature," seeks to reduce the complexity and seeming chaos of natural phenomena to simple, regular and predictable patterns. Order and simplicity are the two foundations of "predictability"; and the sole business of the scientist, at the level of applied science, is to predict what will happen when. A law of science is a formula of predictability. It states that this will take place when such and such things occur together under such and such conditions. Where astrology essentially differs from modern science is, first, in making certain assumptions about the universe and man; secondly, on the basis of these assumptions, in seeking to discover not only the "order" inherent in the even

flying through the night

11°cancer37 on 2.01.2018 at 02:24 (UT) When a house is on fire, the vessel salvaged is the one that will be of use, not the one left there to burn. So when the world is on fire with aging and death, one should salvage [one’s wealth] by giving: what’s given is well salvaged. Whoever here is restrained in body, speech, and awareness; who makes merit while he’s alive: that will be for his bliss after death. ~ Buddha  —————————————- alright this is my first 2018 astrology post, it is about the first full moon in Herculean times and about its fate-full kite planetary formation of which I can speak from the heart of my own experience I keep beating your ears with cycles and patterns but under this Moon i could also tell you about hereditary patterns and karmic refrains about how there can be no Life without Love for it is the generating Source about how there can be no evolution, spiritual path or Transcendence without Metamorphosis .. about how there can

herculean times

Hercules in Bisotun, Kermanshah province - 153BC a short Note  with this New Moon in Sagittarius aligned with the galactic center 18 dec 2017, 6:30gmt and Saturn - the master of Time and Space entering its home sign Capricorn 20 dec 2017, 4:49gmt this Yalda (Winter Solstice) 21 dec 2017, 16:28gmt marks a shift in eras and the beginning of a cycle I'll call Herculean times  symbol for your consideration:  A sculptor at his work. Keynote: The ability to project one's vision upon and to give form to materials. At this stage we see the individual creatively expressing his own particular individuality. He takes the materials available in his social-geographical environment and shapes them so they reveal to other people something of his inner life and purpose. As opposed to the "flag bearer" which symbolized the selfless representative of a collective tradition or of national unity, the "sculptor" represents man as a creative individual i


cassini's last Enceladus Plume observation what does it take to be a foreseer open perception, the right use of intelligence,  creative imagination and a bit of commonsense first New Moon - 20.09.2017 at 5:30 UT since the August eclipse  while Sun Moon Mercury Venus and Mars are all clustered in Virgo and opposed by Chiron and Neptune in Pisces Saturn the time master is in Sagittarius, moving towards alignment with the Galactic center  circumstances bring forth insecurities and painful unhealed wounds  but we have an opportunity to observe how we play victims -  and tear some veils   as our own healing ought to be our very first priority:  it's all about will power .. for your consideration: A baldheaded man who has seized power. Key: The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision. Whether at the religious or at the socio-political and cultural level there comes a time when obsolescent patterns of order and cultural refineme

the great American eclipse: a shift in sovereignty

Kitāb ṣuwar al–kawākib - Book of Constellations,  Abd al–Rahman al–Soufi (903–986) the 21.08.2017 total Solar Eclipse conjunct Regulus is in essence about a shift in sovereignty  it is the first total Solar Eclipse conjunct the fixed star Regulus since the latter has entered Virgo (in 2011, after having spent over 2160 yrs in Leo) It is directly related to the 11.08.1999 total Solar Eclipse (w path over Europe, Turkey..) which had started a 18 year cycle, ending now.. the path of the coming Eclipse called the great American eclipse will be crossing the entire US from West to East  it will also fall on Trump's natal Ascendent and Mars. in fact Trump himself was born during a total lunar eclipse and he has much to do with the effects this eclipse will have on a collective level .. as an instrument of change as a (great) disruption the purpose of which ought to ultimately trigger a collective awakening. when aligned w important points of our chart,

when it happens..

Scorpio:  Illustration from 'Kitab al-Bulhan' (Book of Wonders) manuscript compiled by Abd-ol-Hasan Esfahani, late 14thC. "Once in the Jurassic about 150 million years ago, the Great Sun Buddha in this corner of the Infinite Void gave a Discourse to all the assembled elements and energies: to the standing beings, the walking beings, the flying beings, and the sitting beings -- even grasses, to the number of thirteen billion, each one born from a seed, assembled there: a Discourse concerning Enlightenment on the planet Earth. " - Gary Snyder (Taurus b. 8 May 1930) , from 'Smokey the Bear Sutra' . . FULL MOON occurring on Wednesday, May 10, 2017, at 21:42 UT the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon opposes it in Scorpio  on this weesak moon {known to be the buddha moon, when the most compassionate loving spirit descends on earth = a time to awaken to the deep compassion and wisdom of our own higher being} unspoken hidden feelings and emotions ne

nowruz 2017

20 March 2017 at 10:28:40 GMT in Washington a new life is to start literally turning the page on our old mind, our old life let's first proceed to purify  taking a long meditative look at the mandala for this solar year and fill up our heart by the mirror the candle and the green  purifying from last year's grief and sorrow.. embracing the wisdom, forgiving the wrongs, grateful for the graces ready for the light, the new spirit  and from the deepest of our soul, from our most elevated resolution  let's wish for benevolence and joy amongst all on earth نوروزتان پیروز، هر روزتان نوروز  happy nowruz to all x © etherealcounterparts 


" Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day. But when I follow at my pleasure the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth. "  ~ Ptolemy approaching ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse (moon passing between earth and sun) 26.02.2017 maximum eclipse at 14:54:33 UT lasting 44sec. visible along a narrow path stretching from the southern tip of South America to Angola in Africa the eclipse occurs in Pisces in very close alignment with its ruler Neptune and may cause some kind of confusion or even hallucinations while Venus is closing into a square with Pluto and Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries oppose Jupiter  as long as we don't follow an impatient urge to have it all too fast or overreact to unpredictable incidents  but if we aim for the immaterial  the compassionate, the humble and the grateful will feel a strong protection shield and may see their wildest wishes come true.. x © etherea