partial solar eclipse - Feb 08
the ownership society is bound to disappear!

for a computer-generated image of the solar eclipse on February 7, 2008 - go to:

eclipse chart, 7 Feb 2008 at 03:46 utc
sky observers in New Zealand and parts of Australia will be able to see the partial solar eclipse, but not its annular aspect.
The annular phase runs from 03:19:43 to 04:30:55 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
for a computer-generated image of the solar eclipse on February 7, 2008 - go to:
astrological symbolism:
18 aquarius: "A man being unmasked at a masquerade"
key: secret motives exposed; facing the truth about oneself or others; being able to see through characters and trickery; wearing a 'mask' that suits the situation (campaign 2008); dropping pretense; stripping away cover-ups (oh goody!); aliases; the desire for authenticity.
caution: detrimentally revealing yourself too quickly or too early; being found out to be a fraud; finding unwelcome answers; charades; pretense and ploys to manipulate; layers of deception discovered; lies; assumed identities.
until august 2008
extremely important for the future of US (and the elections)
not so good for the future of the materialistic system!
The Solar Eclipse on Feb. 6/7 may restimulate the energies of the massive cosmic event of August 1999, which has since been correlated with all sorts of weighty circumstances ranging from the concurrent earthquake in Turkey to the war in Iraq and tensions with Iran; this eclipse falls exactly opposite the degree of that eclipse. It may be some time before effects become apparent, as this eclipse is by no means as powerful and crosses over a relatively unpopulated area.
this eclipse w/ an alignment of five planets with Neptune is an extremely auspicious time for spiritual practice.
(a simple mantra can help)
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