Light at the heart of Darkness

“ I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” Hafez As everyone has been writing extensively about the significance of having a Total Lunar Eclipse occur just hours before the Solstice, I will not enter the dispute over the last occurence of such astrological event and will only add my two penny with a few considerations. This total Lunar Eclipse occurring at 29° Gemini while the Full Moon is closely aligned to the Nodes, is joined by Mercury retrograde and Pluto, and is squared Uranus .. Days prior to this Sagittarius Sun. Gemini Moon opposition, time speeded up with Mars joining the North Node before a triple meeting with Pluto and Mercury gone retrograde: many probably have experienced breakdowns and breakthroughs .. revealing in due course the 'karmic' dimensions of the current times. But feeling that time to take important decisions was inevitably approaching, we've probably pondered over all poss...