
Showing posts with the label cycles


the voyage's been long and the winds blow strong time to leave the ego-boat, johnny .. time to flow they name it the Solstice Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse    Solstice 20 June 2020 at 21:44 UTC New Moon in Cancer 21 June 2020 at 06:41 UTC hours after the Earth passes its 0° Cancer solstice point - 20.6.2020 the New Moon occurs at 0°21 Cancer  (same degree as eclipse of 21 june 2001)   and stages an annular solar eclipse or ring of fire  when the Sun and Moon align with the Earth - 21.6.2020 New Moon quincunx Saturn in Aquarius and five retrograde planets :  Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto are all aspects during this lunation  which inflict necessary restriction and delays on the new cycle's impetus Many steps have recently led to this point - in particular since the eclipse 26.12.2019 which was followed by the great alignment of Saturn Pluto and later Jupiter in Capricorn ..  since then, the lunar nodes have moved from the Cancer-Capricorn axis to Gemini-Sagittarius  theref

new rules of the game

2020 : 'the shift and things to be considered' -- a series  following the much talked about January 2020 planetary alignment  on 5 April 2020 at 2:45 gmt Jupiter conjuncts Pluto - 24°53 Capricorn which represents a major stage of our collective journey knowing that Saturn the ruler now in Aquarius will be in a separating conjunction from Mars Neptune in Pisces in a separating conjunction from Mercury Sun and Chiron in Aries, Moon in Virgo, Venus in Gemini, Uranus in Taurus ... there are two main areas where these energies will play out the banking/financial/economical arena and the religious organisations the pandemic has been a game changer and the current lockdown makes a great majority of people feel vulnerable powerless if not jobless and homeless we will now see a surge of totalitarian measures using global pandemic or economical austerity as justification I take this opportunity to call on light workers don’t lose Hope don’t give in to the fear and gloom keep your eyes on

pure thoughts pure words pure actions

2020 : 'the shift and things to be considered' -- a series  March 20th  is the first day of spring  and also the beginning of the new solar year  as well as that of a new great interplanetary cycle ..  it is suggested to carry out a deep purification until Friday March 20 for soul alignment.. I suggest daily meditations, visualisations, prayers of gratitude .. and turning toward your inner sun —may you all be protected and blessed !! pure thoughts pure words pure actions  le 20 Mars est le premier jour du printemps et aussi le début de l’année solaire et celui du nouveau grand cycle interplanétaire.. il est suggéré d’effectuer une purification très profonde d’ici vendredi 20 Mars pour un alignement d’âme je suggère méditations, visualisations, prières de gratitude - quotidiennes .. et se tourner vers le soleil intérieur — soyez tous protégés et bénis et hauts les cœurs !!  pensées pures mots purs actions pures  ⭐️ not for translation or reproduction without  authorisation  © st


A new galactic cycle  After the July eclipses  and before the Lion .. There has been a change  -- We can all feel in the environment and in the atmosphere, it’s been gradual the axis have shifted the veil is lifted the timelines are merging  with or without us the shift has taken place and there’s no going back  we need to adjust to new conditions that remain unseen for most  as yet  for many people their circumstances are undergoing subtle but deep transformation  as for the coming months we’ll all be undergoing some sort of interplay made of projections mirrors shadows  about 20 years ago the world stage was set with irreversible events that have changed our lives forever  as of now the dark forces are brewing again  and the beast is showing its face again  but it’s to no avail despite all immediate appearances they may win a few battles but they have already lost the war  if you understand this and connect to your hearts calling and to the new

herculean times

Hercules in Bisotun, Kermanshah province - 153BC a short Note  with this New Moon in Sagittarius aligned with the galactic center 18 dec 2017, 6:30gmt and Saturn - the master of Time and Space entering its home sign Capricorn 20 dec 2017, 4:49gmt this Yalda (Winter Solstice) 21 dec 2017, 16:28gmt marks a shift in eras and the beginning of a cycle I'll call Herculean times  symbol for your consideration:  A sculptor at his work. Keynote: The ability to project one's vision upon and to give form to materials. At this stage we see the individual creatively expressing his own particular individuality. He takes the materials available in his social-geographical environment and shapes them so they reveal to other people something of his inner life and purpose. As opposed to the "flag bearer" which symbolized the selfless representative of a collective tradition or of national unity, the "sculptor" represents man as a creative individual i

the shadow-zone

Upper part of caduceus (Hermes staff) Bronze, early 5th century B.C. as we have been walking through the shadow-zone of  the coming final 2016 Mercury Retrograde here are a couple of things regarding this cycle  on 19 December 2016 @ 10:56 UT  Mercury will turn retrograde at 15°08 Capricorn and on 8 January 2017 @ 9:43 UT  its movement will turn direct at 28°51 Sagittarius Sun will conjunct Mercury on 28 December 2016 because of its alignment with Pluto  this retrograde period will be particularly intense  despite all the flat connotations  surrounding this kind of cycle such as the power struggles, the backstabbing, threats, slander, deceit, bitter arguments... I'd like to focus on  its constructive and helpful aspects  i can only here describe a certain atmosphere  and make general suggestions  because at the end of the day  it all depends on your own chart  for one thing you might consider spending this holiday season in a self-reflective revere

astro "mise en abyme"

Magic Mirror (self-portrait) ©Amiko Kavtaradze "He who has not been bitten by the serpents of light and snapped at by the wolves of darkness will always be deceived by the days and the nights." ~ K. Gibran, The Broken Wings 1912     chart for New Moon on 5 june 2016 , 2:59 UT , 7e23 - 43n42 this New Moon at 14°53 Gemini should bring much needed elegantly and clearly presented information in the midst of the current confusing "re-period" (multi-retrograde-planets-period) it comes with a septile to Uranus, a quincunx to Pluto and an outstanding grand mutable cross involving Sun.Moon.Venus (conjunction) in Gemini Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius Neptune.Chiron in Pisces Jupiter.North-Node in Virgo All these forces pulling in many direct

a (re)period

Le Jardinier, c. 1885  -  Paul Cézanne (1839–1906) Oil on canvas, 64.9 x 54 cm about the (re)period corresponding to the current planetary retrogrades  with Mars going retro tomorrow immediately followed by Pluto the following day << by the end of April Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Pluto will be retrograde >> i'd like to share with you what i responded to a friend a couple of days ago a time of 'crisis' is comparable to a shift of seasons during which we need to change our ways that which (in our ways) was useful yesterday no longer meets our needs and will prevent new growth if we don't do anything, as it clutters the 'space'.. while other things which will have an important purpose later seem to be useless now now imagine you enter a garden in chaos after a tempest to clean up the mess and put your garden back in working order you're not called upon keeping everything as is nor throwing everything out you can only proceed

'before and after'.. cycles and simple acts of mercy

may "Light"  always  overcome "darkness" ... as i write there has been much delirious buzzing about the coming grand cardinal cross line-up (April 2014) which is to occur shortly after the March 2014 equinox/ingress point and Aries new moon: the speculations involve many dark scenarios because the planet Mars will be joining the cardinal cross...  let us try to remember the various times of our lives which carried a drastic sense of "before and after" the kind that was all transforming on many different levels... weren't these periods of our lives usually confusing, sometime very painful and full of darkness? most likely, yes. despite any intuition or foreboding, could we have been able to predict the exact outcome for these transformations? most likely, no. even the most capable seers and psychics can only be 'approximative'... that's because so much seems to happen outside our ultimate human

each day has its dawn

  Full Moon in Leo - 14 february 2014, 23:53 gmt, 7e15, 43n42 while Venus gone direct has been dragging the T-Square effects between Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto and Mercury retrograde has been lingering near foggy Neptune before its coming inferior conjunction to the Sun (15 february) in its square to Saturn in Scorpio (11 february) Sun in Aquarius has brought the weight of the world on some of our shoulders and once again in this full Moon chart (14 february) with Saturn and Uranus at their respective apex the two T-Squares indicate much conflicting and frustrated energies however Libra Mars conjunct the north Node trine the Sun and sextile the Moon enables to calmly review issues which, after having been brought up last november, are most likely coming to the fore again to see beyond masks and roles and slowly find resolutions after this full Moon (14 february) because everything happens in stages and cycles  going in one day from sleep to b

sun.mars in waco

texas explosion, 17 april 2013, 7:50pm local time, 97w09, 31n33 (18 april, 0:50gmt) yes the Texas explosion is in relation to the Sun.Mars conjunction in Aries the chart for the explosion in Waco shows a grand cross and a crucial alignment with the USA chart: it happened about half an hour after the exact Sun.Mars conjunction... which in turn is opposite the Libra Ascendant and is still activating USA's Chiron in Aries the Moon in Cancer close to the MC is almost square the Sun.Mars/ascendant and is also transiting USA's Mercury and opposing USA's Pluto. moreover Venus in Taurus is approaching an opposition to Saturn in Scorpio while Mercury is about to activate the Uranus Pluto square.. on the other hand as indicated by the axis alignments with USA's Pluto and suggested by the sabian symbol, something previously hidden may come to light through this. symbol for 28° Libra ascendant of this chart: a man becoming aware of spiritual forces surrounding

'nowrooz' 2013 : a new path opens to the humble and compassionate

' nowrooz ' the new day, before it can really mark its start with the aries lunation is affected this year by a series of major planetary cycles; the equinox happens during a mercury retrograde, it is followed by a full moon and a venus cycle before the new moon ... which is followed by saturn going retrograde before a mars cycle the Sun ingresses Aries with Mars (ruler of Aries) and Uranus in the early degrees of Aries - the sign of exaltation for the Sun : this new day / new solar year starts with exceptional force and concentration of energy  it will be joined soon after by Venus and the New Moon will therefore happen in the midst of a stellium   nowrooz, spring equinox, 20 march 2013, 11:01:56gmt, 7e15, 43n42 27 march 2013 : full moon "The most basic 'Law' of our universe is that every release of new potentialities (or modes of energy) brings about a polarization of effects — that is, the new potentiality will be used both for const

the ram and the goat

new moon opposite the galactic center, venus retrograde, jupiter in gemini, summer solstice, sun opposite pluto ... there are now several celestial configurations highlighting and activating a major 2012 planetary cycle, namely : uranus in aries (ram) square pluto in capricorn (goat) ever since daniel's prophetic vision came to my mind, i have been pondering over the many layers of meaning held within it - how could they relate to our times and here is for your own consideration : Daniel's vision of  " the Ram and the Goat " 1. In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at the first. 2. And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai. 3. Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which ha

chante - clair

Mercury and its orbit - Ottoman illuminated and illustrated version of ʿAjāʾib al-makhlūqāt (Wonders of creation) by Zakarīyā al-Qazwīnī   The Mercury cycle according to Rudhyar :   In the usual kind of geocentric astrology no distinction is made between the two kinds of conjunction of Mercury and the Sun, except that at "inferior" conjunction Mercury is retrograde, while at "superior" conjunction Mercury is direct. In heliocentric astrology the situation is quite different, because an inferior geocentric conjunction of Mercury and the Sun means that the Earth is conjunct Mercury, while a superior geocentric conjunction indicates that the Earth is in opposition to Mercury. Thus when Mercury is retrograde geocentrically, Mercury is heliocentrically near the Earth; and at the heliocentric conjunction of Mercury and the earth, a line is formed by Sun, Mercury and Earth, with Mercury and Earth, with Mercury between the Sun and the Earth thus as