Twin Flames and the Unfolding


Twin flames are high vibrational Flames

they are high vibrational beings incarnating together during this exceptional cosmic shift and transitional time .. 

they are here with a collective purpose that goes beyond their personal aspiration and desire : they are purifying thousands of years of twisted trans-generational DNA and they’re ascending, returning to their original frequency .. in doing so, they’re helping others whom they’re in contact with, who are in their energetic sphere vertically (bloodline) and horizontally (environment and social networks) 

Twin flames are not alone , they are surrounded by many angels and spiritual ascended entities 

Twin flames form various collectives .. they have incarnated in waves - they belong to the same cosmic ocean , they are in Unity consciousness , they are in alignment with the Soul 

twin flames are high vibrational but each pair has a unique frequency : they are part of the 144000 and partake in the grid 

Twin flames are not friends , they’re not family members , they’re not work colleagues : they are divine counterparts - a sacred couple .. their sexual energy is very intense magnetic and pure - there’s no deviation or impurity in it : their sexuality is sacred and high frequency 

Twin flames undergo a journey which is unique and specific to their individual frequency : not two stories are alike , not two journeys resemble one another , but they all follow the same principle .. transmute the dark, undo the karma, raise your vibration 

the purification happens in stages , it can’t be otherwise because the physical self needs to adjust and it takes time .. it affects every level of your being and has an impact on every aspect of your incarnation 

you have to pay close attention to signs : your body is changing and so is your nutrition , your daily routines , your hygiene , your reactions to environmental factors , your need for certain types of activities and exercise or your need for other beings’ contact, company and exchange .. 

what you do and what you don’t do matter , what you say and what you don’t say matter , what you feel and what you don’t feel matter 

actions matter 

words matter 

thoughts matter 

feelings matter 

you need to have your own daily , monthly , seasonal rituals : your practice .. purifying, clearing energies, aligning and connecting , correct positioning, stabilising, emanating 

at some point of your journey, when you align with the divine feminine or the divine masculine energies .. you are entering one mission phase (there may be others) - you are not Jesus, you are not ISIS , you’re not Mary Magdalene: you’re embodying attributes of the God and Goddess energies.. if you’re identifying with the persona instead of the energy in order to express your unique essence , you still need to shed layers of the ego 

you either are a twin flame or you’re not : there’s no other , if , but , maybe attached to this .. people who project and identify with a label to justify their misconceptions instead of living an authentic journey in accordance to their true purpose are wasting their time and not contributing to the whole . . those who are not twin flames have a sacred path of their own and they ought to be aligning with their true selves and following their own path .. it’s a journey of discovery 

you don’t know ? find out .. you’re unsure ? seek inner affirmation - there’s no lesser or higher journey .. you’re still comparing yourself to others ? then your self worth is still an issue 

what the unfolding is bringing to the fore is a mirroring (Libra full Moon) of the ego interference (Pluto T-square) which indicates some fears of letting go .. releasing this inner resistance ultimately brings discernment and helps in clearing confusion in order to see the larger picture .. receive a clear vision and divine inspiration (Jupiter Neptune in Pisces)

Libra Full Moon 16 Apr 2022, 18:54 gmt 

twin flames have an infinite amount of releasing and letting go to do .. you can not be a receptacle to higher frequencies when you haven’t let go of your lower frequencies and/or attachments : attachment to an image of yourself , attachment to a persona a role-playing a mask, attachment to a lesser or false sense of self attachment to a sense of false security, attachment to toxic habits, attachment to material objects or signifiers 

as long as you feel the need to protect yourself from “psychic attacks” it indicates that you still need to transmute dark material within .. as long as you perceive people in terms of third party or karmic entity or some other trendy formula , you’re still in the process of self-healing .. as long as you’re not embracing your whole self in all its dimensions you still have an inner reconciling to process .. as long as you’re not ready for total Sacred Union with your twin you still have unfinished business .. the journey is simple as well as intricate , self evident as well as mysterious 

the journey doesn’t fit old paradigm mental constructions .. it doesn’t fit our earthly languages 

no matter how many pandemics / wars / famine / climate change disasters / systemic collapse happen .. Twin Flames are here to embody a new Heaven on a new Earth 

we need new words new sounds new songs to express the New Earth 

Twin flames are strong , nothing will deter them .. they all are ready to sing !

many blessings to all 

x AA

[this post is a result of my key codes , my own experience and of my channeling for others : with 1000thanks to all those who come to me , in particular during these weeks of unfolding .. you’ll recognise yourselves] 

Not for translation or reproduction without my permission
© stellArium & ethereal counterparts

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