
Showing posts with the label the inspirational ones

a quest for meaning - II

Zodiacal Man, Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry The Spiritual Value of Astrology One of the main problems facing astrologers in their attempts to make astrology officially recognized as a legitimate and wholesome pursuit is not only the recent vulgarization of some of its most general and questionable aspects, but the vagueness and ambiguity of the way in which the very substance and purpose of astrology are defined.       It is probable that most people, if asked what astrology is, would say — in one way or another — that astrology deals with the influences of the Sun, the Moon, the planets and the stars upon human beings, and indeed upon all living organisms and such social "organisms" as nations, business firms, etc. They would add that the purpose of astrology is to ascertain the basic character and the future development of such persons and organizations in terms of definite expectable events. Very likely a great majority of astrologers would claim that ast

a quest for meaning - I

M. C. Escher (1898 - 1972) Astrology is an attempt to bring order, consistency and meaning  to the series of usually confused and conflicting happenings which constitute our life experience. The "basic scientist" likewise, as he tries to discover "laws of Nature," seeks to reduce the complexity and seeming chaos of natural phenomena to simple, regular and predictable patterns. Order and simplicity are the two foundations of "predictability"; and the sole business of the scientist, at the level of applied science, is to predict what will happen when. A law of science is a formula of predictability. It states that this will take place when such and such things occur together under such and such conditions. Where astrology essentially differs from modern science is, first, in making certain assumptions about the universe and man; secondly, on the basis of these assumptions, in seeking to discover not only the "order" inherent in the even

flying through the night

11°cancer37 on 2.01.2018 at 02:24 (UT) When a house is on fire, the vessel salvaged is the one that will be of use, not the one left there to burn. So when the world is on fire with aging and death, one should salvage [one’s wealth] by giving: what’s given is well salvaged. Whoever here is restrained in body, speech, and awareness; who makes merit while he’s alive: that will be for his bliss after death. ~ Buddha  —————————————- alright this is my first 2018 astrology post, it is about the first full moon in Herculean times and about its fate-full kite planetary formation of which I can speak from the heart of my own experience I keep beating your ears with cycles and patterns but under this Moon i could also tell you about hereditary patterns and karmic refrains about how there can be no Life without Love for it is the generating Source about how there can be no evolution, spiritual path or Transcendence without Metamorphosis .. about how there can

when it happens..

Scorpio:  Illustration from 'Kitab al-Bulhan' (Book of Wonders) manuscript compiled by Abd-ol-Hasan Esfahani, late 14thC. "Once in the Jurassic about 150 million years ago, the Great Sun Buddha in this corner of the Infinite Void gave a Discourse to all the assembled elements and energies: to the standing beings, the walking beings, the flying beings, and the sitting beings -- even grasses, to the number of thirteen billion, each one born from a seed, assembled there: a Discourse concerning Enlightenment on the planet Earth. " - Gary Snyder (Taurus b. 8 May 1930) , from 'Smokey the Bear Sutra' . . FULL MOON occurring on Wednesday, May 10, 2017, at 21:42 UT the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon opposes it in Scorpio  on this weesak moon {known to be the buddha moon, when the most compassionate loving spirit descends on earth = a time to awaken to the deep compassion and wisdom of our own higher being} unspoken hidden feelings and emotions ne


Amazon making the "Parthian shot" (shooting an arrow backwards while riding a horse).  Etruscan bronze statuette. in ancient times iranian women of the horse and the archery, the "hamazan" (those who fought together)  had manifold abilities they fought physical wars to protect and conquer territory and were the first ones to rule the land but they also were spiritual warriors with an advanced knowledge of alchemy and aspired for another type of heroism the moon mother was their guide and their time-keeper for performing their dharmic rituals  some of which could only take place during an eclipse .. in most areas of the earth the penumbral lunar eclipse will shortly be visible as the earth casts its shadow/penumbra on the full moon 10 feb. @ 22:34:14 GMT until 11 feb. 2017 @ 02:53:25 GMT opening a hidden passageway the forthcoming hours are particularly auspicious for purification and sacred connection symbol in tota

astro "mise en abyme"

Magic Mirror (self-portrait) ©Amiko Kavtaradze "He who has not been bitten by the serpents of light and snapped at by the wolves of darkness will always be deceived by the days and the nights." ~ K. Gibran, The Broken Wings 1912     chart for New Moon on 5 june 2016 , 2:59 UT , 7e23 - 43n42 this New Moon at 14°53 Gemini should bring much needed elegantly and clearly presented information in the midst of the current confusing "re-period" (multi-retrograde-planets-period) it comes with a septile to Uranus, a quincunx to Pluto and an outstanding grand mutable cross involving Sun.Moon.Venus (conjunction) in Gemini Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius Neptune.Chiron in Pisces Jupiter.North-Node in Virgo All these forces pulling in many direct


Where Do We Come From? What Are WE? Where Are We Going?  Paul Gauguin, 1897 - oil on canvas, 139 x 375cm   a few thoughts to share  about this Scorpio full MoonDay 22.04.2016 @ 05:23 UT if our world makes us feel insecure it is not because we are ultimately meant to die or because of Nature or the outer Cosmos as they all fall under the same rule and principles as our Natural Selves if our world makes us feel insecure, it is because of our social selves  and our human-made rules  which follow the single rule  of "business" in previous times busy-ness was a noble activity, it was a way to exchange goods and services to enrich our lives and improve our personal and collective destiny; in our present times business has become a weapon for alienation and mass destruction .. we give it many names "small business", "big business", "to give someone the business", "to get the business", "mean business", "monkey bus

a (re)period

Le Jardinier, c. 1885  -  Paul Cézanne (1839–1906) Oil on canvas, 64.9 x 54 cm about the (re)period corresponding to the current planetary retrogrades  with Mars going retro tomorrow immediately followed by Pluto the following day << by the end of April Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Pluto will be retrograde >> i'd like to share with you what i responded to a friend a couple of days ago a time of 'crisis' is comparable to a shift of seasons during which we need to change our ways that which (in our ways) was useful yesterday no longer meets our needs and will prevent new growth if we don't do anything, as it clutters the 'space'.. while other things which will have an important purpose later seem to be useless now now imagine you enter a garden in chaos after a tempest to clean up the mess and put your garden back in working order you're not called upon keeping everything as is nor throwing everything out you can only proceed

ruperti - conferences

liens vers quelques conférences de Alexander Ruperti (1913-1998) - français Alexander Ruperti est né le 23 mai 1913 à 21.11.16 TU à Stuttgart. De père russe et de mère autrichienne, ayant passé sa toute petite enfance en Sibérie, son enfance et sa jeunesse en Angleterre, puis sa vie adulte en Suisse, Alexander Ruperti se sentait plus «citoyen du monde» qu’appartenant à une nation particulière. Son intérêt pour l’homme en tant qu’individu prit ses racines dans ces nationalités multiples et s’est développé à travers une recherche constante d’explications philosophiques, religieuses, ésotériques, psychologiques et médicales de l’homme. Ses voies principales étaient l’ostéopathie et l’astrologie à travers lesquelles il enseignait un «art de vivre», une philosophie qui réponde aux besoins de l’homme actuel dans la période de transition que traverse l’humanité aujourd’hui. Dans cette voie, il a été, pendant plus de quarante ans, le porte-parole en Europe de son ami e

words of wisdom

now almost exactly aligned with neptune   mercury in pisces (3°19) goes retrograde 6 february 2014 at 21:43 gmt it will be conjunct the sun at 27 aquarius on 15 february and will turn direct on 28 february 2014 words to meditate upon ...  ALL things in Nature work silently. They come into being and possess nothing. They fulfil their functions and make no claim. When merit has been achieved, do not take it to yourself; for if you do not take it to yourself, it shall never be taken from you. Follow diligently the Way in your own heart, but make no display of it to the world. Keep behind, and you shall be put in front; keep out, and you shall be kept in. Goodness strives not, and therefore it is not rebuked. He that humbles himself shall be preserved entire. He that bends shall be made straight. He that is empty shall be filled. He that is worn out shall be renewed. He who has little shall succeed. He who has much shall go astray. Therefore the Sa


bowing in awe at such a visitation from the outer space... ISON (photo Trappist national telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory on the morning of 15/11/13) "Truly, love is a ceaseless alternation of shadow and brilliancy! And the mysterious wanderers, the comets, have long hair of light; their faces always turn to the Sun. And their paths are elongated ellipses, far from the "perfect form" of the circumference; ellipses whose two foci are far apart, because in the irrational realms, the polarities of being are necessarily also remote from each other." Dane Rudhyar ... on asteroids & comets  MARIN MARAIS : La folia

Osho Speaks on Astrology II -- religiousness

Astrology: A Door to Religiousness Osho: Hidden Mysteries, Chapter 6 It is necessary that some matters be understood. First, it is necessary to know that, from a scientific point of view, the whole solar family is born out of the sun. The moon, Mars, Jupiter, and the rest of the planets, including this Earth, are all organic parts of the sun. Slowly, life on Earth came into being -- from plants to man. Man is an organic part of the Earth; the Earth is an organic part of the sun. It is like a mother who has a daughter, who in turn also has a daughter, and in all three of them the same blood flows. Their bodies are made up of similar cells. The scientists use a word "empathy" meaning shared sensitivity. Those things that are born from the same source have a sort of shared inner experience. Out of the sun the Earth is born, and out of the Earth our bodies are born, and far away, the sun is our great grandparent. Whatsoever happens on the sun creat