The Dark Night


Without wanting to make generalities re. the dark night of the soul - which is also called the “night of faith”, I’d like to say the following.

The Dark Night is when we experience the absence of Light, and Faith, as if God has disappeared and we no longer know what to hold on to.

As we loose hold of all inner and outer bearings and nothing seems to make any sense, the feeling of “absence” seems unbearable, and a total darkness overtakes all our senses and our mind - to the point of a seeming “death”..

The Spanish Christian Saint and Mystic, St John of the Cross best described his experience in two poems: Ascent of Mount Carmel and The Dark Night of the Soul. But the same notion also exists under different names in all religious traditions.

At this low point of our spiritual journey, what emerges from the deepest part of our being is at first a form of utter desolation. It is a period during which we undergo a thorough energetic “purification” and a release of all superfluous identification and bearings which have been holding us away from our “true” nature and connection with the divine.

This temporary spiritual crisis may vary greatly in duration: for some it may be a matter of weeks whereas for others it lasts years. The dark night of St John of the Cross lasted 45 yrs. Mother Teresa indicated in her writings that her dnots started in 1948 and didn’t leave her for the rest of her life.. it would have therefore ended when she died in 1997.

The Dark Night is part of the Ascension process, most Twin Flames seem to experience at some point: it begins when we are confronting and clearing the illusions produced by our Ego. These take the form of unconscious wounds or past karmic knots that need to be healed and released.

The Old sense of Self dissolves to make way for a New Self:

  1. The more we resist this process of releasing the outdated, the more we suffer. Only when we reach the bottom of our inner resistance, can we finally let go and feel liberated.
  2. during this time we are isolated from other people and everything in our reality is teared apart; loved ones, family, friends, as if we can no longer connect with them… while we return into a “cocoon” state - completely disconnected from the rest of the world, to look within and question our very “being”!
  3. we shouldn’t be scared of letting go of clutter, of outdated lifestyles or people
  4. we should seek when necessary, assistance from more experienced reliable kindred people who can give support in the process, help identify our shadow side, and clear our karmic knots

The whole “descent” is usually triggered by a dark event, such as a death, a breakup, a loss of job or home, bad illness, a feeling of great loss.. basically any intense event that tears our personal reality open, and shatters our comfort zone and our Ego.

By looking at ourself without complacency and with total honesty, our worst fears and insecurities, without storytelling or illusions.. we are given the opportunity to cross a series of veils and what awaits us on the other side of this crossing is the infinite Light of our own Being.

to survive a Dark Night of the Soul :

  • the first thing to remember is that a spiritual path is not so much about feeling “good”, but about regaining a sense of wholeness and the ability to be present no matter our life circumstances.
  • the fact that we may feel confused, scared or even completely crazy, is not a sign that something’s gone wrong, but it barely means that we are ready to let go and open up to another reality, even if it is a lesser one than the grand distorted picture we had originally painted for ourselves. In fact, letting go of an illusion is a sign of strength, spiritual maturity and courage.

The Dark Night may seem like the worst hell on earth, but it is a blessing.

One of the hardest thing to let go of is the idea of ​​spiritual achievement, and in particular the very notion of “enlightenment” - which may seem to be at first the purpose of our spiritual journey, but that’s precisely where we usually end up meeting our cunning ego.

The ego’s tricks must all get released before we can eventually explore alternative paths.

The Dark Night of the Soul therefore also indicates an Ego Death. That is the total acceptance of impermanence which frees us of fears, anxieties and insecurities.

Eckhart Tolle asserts that the dark night is a return to a state of ignorance where things lose the meaning you had initially given to them, a meaning which was merely conditional and cultural. You can then look at the world without imposing your mental fabrications on it. That's why it can be so nerve-wracking when it happens unwillingly, rather than if you were to embrace it consciously.

But it’s important to realise that through this process, you are also given a chance to go beyond your own contrived concepts, in order to live according to your heart-space or ‘core’, and where you may connect to the eternal.

For those people who undergo their dark night of the soul some time after meeting their twin flame:

As they step into the dark night, they are asked to let go of their unmet expectations, and to expect nothing in return. It is during this period that they are asked to question their expectations and to move forward with their lives even if the relationship configuration they had in mind is not viable. Whether they can fathom a life with their twin flame or not, they need to consider their past habits and relationship patterns.

They need to accept things as they are because that's possibly the way they are meant to be, and they can’t change them. They need to stop resisting and struggling, as the bond with their twin can not be broken. They energetically are in each other’s ethereal field for eternity, helping each other ascend, even if their twin flame is not communicating or physically present.

The Dark Night of the Soul works as an ally for Twin Flames, and is the path to Unconditional Love

Only faith in yourself, in your twin and in life itself is required of you. Reaching this level of detachment is essential because it will help you raise your vibration and as long as you are able to feel unconditional love, joy, and other positive states - you’ll be able to maintain your high frequency.

The notions of dependence and attachment are the causes of all suffering, misery, and emotional roller-coasters with their loads of ups and downs - as well as the ways in which we incorrectly process our distorted thoughts and emotions.. until we finally let go and free ourselves from these bindings, in order to emerge from the darkness, enter a higher state of consciousness, and get into the flow of Being - which comes with a sense of relief and boundless gratitude. We find inner peace and develop a stronger sense of connection both with ourselves and with “something” that transcends life.

It's the end of “separation” from everything outside of our individual little ‘me’: we are at one with the whole universe.

We experience Completeness and Oneness.

A new path opens leading to complete trust in our bond, our twin and what we are to live from now on…

it is the way to Unconditional Love, as well as inner Joy and Peace.

x AA

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