
Showing posts with the label venus

a frosted clarity

' Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. ' —  Einstein ' Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draws it. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves. ' —  Buddha   Just days before the winter solstice, a full Moon in Gemini opposing the Sun allows for a frosted clarity in our perception of reality... This December Full Moon is an invitation to realize how we create the world we live in with all our thoughts, wishes and fears. As energy never gets lost but changes in form, we therefore have the power to shape and transform our inner/outer environment.. so that a different world eventually 'materialize'.   snow-covered pyramids december 2013. symbol Gemini 26°: Frost-covered trees against winter skies. Key: The revelation of

here comes july

with venus (leo) square saturn (scorpio) restrictions and limitations can bring much resourcefulness like a springboard for creativity and inspiration you know the saying : necessity is mother to creativity soon followed by sun (cancer) opposite pluto (capricorn) .. and square uranus (aries) on 4 july the more you want to hide the truth (from yourself or others) and push it below the surface the more it will press back up into the open, into consciousness and that's when the hurt is ultimately healthy.. x © etherealcounterparts 

like wind chimes

Annular Solar Eclipse - nasa annular solar eclipse time (9.5.13 > 10.5.13 for gmt) : Partial begin 21:25:10 Total begin 22:30:34 Greatest eclipse 0:26:20 Total end 2:19:58 Partial end 3:25:23 symbol : wisps of wing-like clouds streaming across the sky Key: The awareness of spiritual forces at work. Any emergence of life potentialities from the depth of the vast Unconscious is answered by the spiritual activity of superconscious forces in a cosmic kind of antiphony. The individual who has taken a new step in their evolution should look for the "Signature" of divine Powers confirming their progress. It may reveal the meaning of what is to come next. The "wing-like clouds" may also symbolize the presence of celestial beings (devas, angels) blessing and subtly revealing the direction to take, the direction of "the wind" of destiny. This stage concludes a process, having experienced which the individual should find themse

Venus 2012

Venus transit 2012 June 5-6, 2012. (reuters) Venus Transit 2012 at Mauna Loa Hawaii as predicted by National Solar Observatory. Venus approaching the Pleiades on March 31st pic. by Jimmy Westlake, Colorado. Early April 2012, Venus passed directly in front of the Pleiades star cluster. venus ruler of libra and taurus (manuscript) Venus (ruler), signs Taurus and Libra along with lunar mansions - Persia 17th c. this manuscript illustration has visual and symbolic correlations with Saraswati (goddess of learning, music and arts - guardian of the Earth) In Persian, Venus corresponds to ‘Anahita’ - the ‘immaculate’ & ‘pure’ one - in the Avesta, her main attributes were rivers. She embodied the fertilizing flow of water from the fountain in the stars. In ancient Iran Anahita was a Goddess worshipped as personification of pure water and eternal fire. She was like a wild river and was described as driving a chariot drawn by four w

shh... feel great mother (2012) calling

Grand Earth Trine at 9°-10° : Jupiter, Venus, Lilith in Taurus - Pluto and Asteroid Amor in Capricorn - Mars and Asteroids Psyche, Eros and Arachne in Virgo 13 March 2012, 23:00 ut, 7e15 43n42 Evening sky looking west as seen from Adelaide at 20:00 pm local daylight saving time on 26 March 2012  showing Venus and Jupiter near the crescent Moon (and Pleiades above) ... (imade credit: sky watching uk)

in that we trust

This Sagittarius New Moon on 25 November 2011 coincides with a partial Solar Eclipse. With nearly 90% obscuration of the Sun, the eclipse will be visible across Antartica and New Zealand. Solar Eclipse 25 November 2011, 6:09:40gmt, 7e15, 43n42 Symbol : Two men playing chess According to Rudhyar,  the transmutation of man's natural aggressiveness under most conditions of existence is essential to socio-cultural living. Many rituals, sports and games have no other basic aim. In chess, the struggle between light and darkness (the Yang and Yin forces) is ritualized, ending in most cases with the checkmating of the king (the ego, the conscious self). In a dualistic world such a contest between polarized forces is omnipresent. The chess game trains men to be more objective, more careful, more aware of whole situations — and less impulsive and intent upon side issues. This symbol deals with conflict, but at a group culture level. Keynote: The transcendent rituali

summer under venus' light

"Blessed are the meek , for they shall inherit the earth ". (MATTHEW 5:5). With " A Large Diamond In The First Stages Of The Cutting Process " as a symbol .. reminding us how demanding an aspiration is "perfection" ! the July 1st Solar Eclipse that started a new 18yr Saros cycle - will be kept under triggers for some time into this month .. July in the meanwhile will be highlighted by Venus .. turning at first self-protective and private when she enters Cancer and also combust as she grows closer to her superior conjunction to the Sun by mid August. July 4th : She enters Cancer and trines Neptune (inspiration, compassion, soulfullness ..) July 7-8 : She trines Chiron and squares Uranus (a good time for healing on the margin of surprising events and irritations/impatience/hypersensitivities) July 8-9 : She opposes Pluto and sextiles Jupiter, amplifying their current trine - of wealth and unearthed treasures - while she may bring so

we are what we love

  © Rakesh K. Mathur The spiritual meaning of the Diwali celebration is about the awareness of the inner light , something beyond the physical body and mind which is pure, infinite, and eternal, also called the Atman. Diwali is the celebration of this inner light, in particular the knowing of which outshines all darkness .. to rejoice in the Inner Light (Atman) or the underlying reality of all things (Brahman) brings Ananda (joy or peace). (fr. " Diwali " in Wikipedia) 6 11 2010, 4:51:46GMT, 7e15 43n42 a New Moon at 14° Scorpio : Telephone Lineman At Work Installling New Connections according to Rudhyar, this represents the need for new channels of communication and understanding. A few things I notice here: - The Sun and Moon stand alone with Vesta, in a bare semi-sextile to Saturn in Libra and a trine to Lilith in Pisces. - Water is largely predominant with 5 bodies in Scorpio : Retrograde Venus which recently conjuncted the Sun is to leave it sho

after the grail

  29 10 2010, 1:10:25 GMT, 7e15 43n42  Venus goes retrograde little over every 1,5 year thru an inverted motion. If we keep in mind that the markers of our experience during any planetary cycle, are the very degrees of the inferior and superior conjunctions, then each of the movement's phases highlights certain areas of our lives. This year, the Venus cycle occurs in Scorpio, same sign as the recent Venus/Mars. The present conjunction of Venus with the Sun happens at 6° Scorpio: The Gold Rush Tears Men Away From Their Native Soil  and refers to a process of be-coming, of going beyond the familiar .. doesn't each quest originate in Desire? The water triplicity being here its predominant element, the visual figure that stands out in the above Venus cycle chart, is the familiar shape of a pendulum. "When a pendulum reaches the end of its swing, there occurs a brief instant of pure potential energy when the pendulum is motionless, before it begins its swing in th

equal night

Moon (early Aries) - Jupiter.Uranus (late Piscis) : on Thursday September 23 2010 Venus close to Mars (Scorpio) : on Saturday September 25 2010

under the sign of Love

blue Venus 20/08/2010, 18:48 GMT, 7e15 43n42 To understand better the effects of today's Venus-Mars conjunction at 14° Libra which is the first of three conjunctions to occur in the next 9 months (due to Venus retrograde' motion in the fall) - please reflect on the summer 1978 - spring 1979 period, which corresponds to the last Venus Mars triple conjunction in similar signs. The mechanics behind human relationships follow subtle rules and escape our rational grasp, in particular when it comes to our own; so look at the aspects this conjunction makes to your own chart. This very special pattern involving the Venus-Mars cycle and the combining recurrence with Venus retrograde has important implications on the social dimension of our relationships. In fact there's bound to be a deep spiritual transformation of the nature of both our relational aspirations and our very commitment to one another during such a key moment .. but the visible effect can only be gradual. A

goodies for a change!

We have entered an upbeat phase, so to speak, indicated by Mercury's alignment with Jupiter and Uranus culminating tomorrow. It all begins to unfold today, yet we ought to expect surprises. Anything can happen! nasa on March 28 After the last weeks' intensity, this tuning into lovely Venus as she sextiles Jupiter and conjuncts independent Uranus on the same day will present a nice break.  Also on March 28, Uranus sextiles Jupiter, giving Venus its freedom theme!  When entering Sagittarius the Moon joins in this cheerful alignment, and will definitely help keep our spirits high. This is an electrifying, sparkly aspect. Be ready for an out-of-the-blue meeting, or a huge desire to change things.  In relationships, expect the kind of conversations exploring how close is too close, or how can the excitement be kept alive.  With mercury, tongues will go fast enough to speak first and think later. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and is in achievement-oriented Capricorn no