
truly and simply from the heart

  06.06.2024  New Moon in Gemini 12:37gmt  Addressing the current urgent necessity of being aligned with one’s authenticity and truth, standing in one’s true self is essential to proceed and contribute meaningfully in these times.  Nothing less than truth and authenticity is required from each and every one of us.  Those who don’t stand in this alignment cannot contribute and are unknowingly participating in the big delusional lies that are being played out to block the disclosure of Light and the collective ascension. The lower Gemini may act as an untrustworthy, clever, devious expert at mental manipulation, conveniently shifting places. The twins are mutable, and may easily change personalities. When in their lower vibration, they tend to project their darkness outward, and blame other people.  The higher vibration for Gemini is a beacon of intelligence and the ability to use the mind for learning, understanding, and expressing, for reasoning, problem-s...

the seed, the word, and the gate

  The sacred from latin sacer ,  refers to that which is dedicated/reserved/consecrated to divine use. The sacred, as opposed to the profane, is identified with the “pure” state which is auspicious and life giving, produces health, luck, and rebirth.  A question was asked regarding Ascending Twin Flames… I have few words and infinite gratitude for this question, As it comes to me while I’ve been deep in contemplation over Jesus’ ascension. He first descended to the bottom of the darkest of Hades to release the karmic chains of those who’d come before him, before his resurrection and ascension. He showed us the way. This time of year is always imbued with so much light, so much peace and serenity .. a reminder for the twin flame path and words come short. Ascension is why we are all here during this cosmic shift.. and before us came the seed, the word, and the gate. There is no rising without hitting the bottom first There is no ascension without shedding all the weight On...

welcome to this site - bienvenue sur ce site

    "Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is only a vision.   But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope." (English + Français) Welcome to stellArium & ethereal counterparts – a celestial compass and guide on your journey of self-discovery! This blog offers a kaleidoscope of articles that delve into various aspects of astrology and other subjects related to the New Earth.  It aims to illuminate our pathway to a new era.  With  over thirty years of international experience, my mastery of astrology and mediumship enables me to deliver soul readings and astrological charts, offering guidance to navigate and support your journey and evolutionary process.  I provide various services using different tools, such as your natal chart, life path, and cycles to give information as accurately as possible in response to your inquiries. Additionally, I can perceive auric fields and pick on vibrations, espec...

decoding (a revOlution) III

  Astrology will only ever be a reflection of our consciousness. Before any tool, including AI, can act on our behalf, the rev0lution originates from deep within.  Switching realities involves stepping out of the old reality, and no tool can facilitate this switch unless our entire “being” has already undergone it. I'm referring here to our “whole” self, encompassing more than  just our physical or astral vessel.  Our consciousness mirrors our etheric frequency, and this frequency in turn reflects our inner transmutation. Therefore, the new 5D astrology remains elusive for those on the 3D or 4D timelines.  Stepping out of the karmic wheel is not a mechanical feat but an alchemical one --  a high-level transmutation. Breaking free from the karmic wheel cannot be achieved through any ARTIFICIAL in-tell-i-gen-ce  or manmade device relying on mind control. N o mechanical tool can guide you through your own shadow, transmute it, alter your  soul f...

Light v Void

  The Full Moon in Leo has recently fully shed its light on the nature of creation, expression, and their spiritual significance - in the context of Pluto having just entered Aquarius, and being also part of the opposition in the Full Moon chart, it is something of very great significance in fact, which few may have noticed. This Full Moon follows shortly the Sun.Pluto conjunction, and the charts are all very much related — they are part of the same energetic reset, with amongst other features, a notable alignment of Venus and GC. I will give here a few hints as to why, in matters of creation and expression, authenticity and being in full energetic alignment with one’s core, matter.  Sun conjunct Pluto, 20.01.2024 @ 13:45gmt Leo Full Moon, 25.01.2024 @ 17:53gmt Creation emanates, silence is full, the void is empty. AI, Chatgpt, and most of the virtual material circulating nowadays generate much grey-noise as well as 4D “pollution” — but for the most part, they have no incidenc...

la rectification du thème astral

Rectification de l’heure de naissance (en réponse à une demande de lecteur) Ne pas disposer de son heure de naissance précise peut être frustrant, car cela empêche la détermination du signe de l’ascendant. L'ascendant est crucial pour comprendre divers positions planétaires. Cependant, l'absence d’une heure précise de naissance peut également donner lieu à une expérience astrologique unique qui va au-delà de la pratique astrologique conventionnelle. Pour de tels cas, il existe une méthode appelée rectification de l’heure de naissance, qui est une tâche longue, laborieuse et méticuleuse prenant beaucoup plus de temps que toute autre étude astrologique. Elle nécessite plusieurs consultations, ce qui rend le coût d'une telle étude relativement élevé. Cette étude ne peut être réalisée que par un astrologue expérimenté possédant des compétences de recherche et des méthodes de haut niveau. Rectifier avec précision l'heure de naissance, implique tout d’abord de déterminer la c...

on astrological rectification

  Birth time rectification (in response to a reader's enquiry)   Not having a precise time of birth can be frustrating, as it prevents the determination of the ascendant sign. The ascendant is crucial for understanding various planetary placements. However, the absence of an accurate birth time can also open doors to a unique astrological experience that goes beyond conventional astrology practice. For such cases, there's a method called birth time rectification, which is a lengthy, laborious, meticulous task that takes up much more time than any other astrology study. It necessitates several consultations, making the cost of such a study relatively expensive.  This study can only be done by an experienced astrologer with high-level research skills and practical tools, that entail the utilisation of significant life events to accurately rectify the birth time and eventually establish a correct natal chart. Regarding my personal experience with rectification of natal chart...