
the New Day

for thousands of years our Culture was One with Nature and Life was understood according to its cyclic rythm in recent history, some have opposed culture against Nature until chaos reaches its bitter end - while disasters keep pointing us back to The Way .. Nowrooz, the New Day, celebrating the exact astronomical time of the vernal equinox when the center of the sun enters the aries point and crosses the equator, reminds us that it is never too late .. for Hope feb 18-Mar 5 period has been a major turning point in global choices, marking our collective course for a long time - these choices made despite our 'selves' came to 'light' under the last full moon (mar 19), at the same time as an alignment with our age-old wisdom .. in any case since march 19, we have entered a "retributive" zone i have described earlier, which will last until early may : the effect is retributive and karmic so the truth can stand out - it therefore blocks, delays, suppre

a clear vision of tomorrow

painting by Caspar David Friedrich we collectively need to face up in all consciousness to the karmic consequences of many cycles' accumulated errors and abuse.. before writing the next chapter! new moon 3 February 2011, 2:30:39 gmt, 7e15, 43n42 symbol 14° aquarius a train entering the tunnel according to Rudhyar this is in short about mastering timing and techniques in order to achieve a precise goal and progress .. it indicates a certain form of "penetration"  on a personal level, thanks to will power, intelligence and the mastery of one's body (yoga) we may accelerate our natural process of evolution. the main feature of this New Moon chart is a stellium in Aquarius composed of Ceres, Sun, Moon, Mars, Neptune, Chiron with two pairs of planets flanking its sides and in a square aspect. thus on one side, we find the ruler of the Aquarius stellium Uranus in Piscis, still conjunct Jupiter now in Aries - while on the other, we have Venus in S

.. and here will come the Sun

the earth and humanity are undergoing a cleansing process and despite appearances, the current release of negative energies is necessary and occurs for the ultimate good of all .. meditation and visualization are helpful tools in channeling our desire to contribute something positive. our love, our intentions and our energy may help the rest of the planet. for practice it is usually best to follow our own intuition, but should you need help to get started please find below a few simple suggestions : meditation - relaxation (suggested time : nightfall) sit in comfortable position and close your eyes, make sure your legs and arms are not crossed take three deep slow breaths while relaxing your body then return to your natural breathing and focus on it, observing the air going in and out and its rhythm without trying to control eventually there will be a balance between the inhaling and exhaling if your mind starts wandering, observe the thoughts/images without follo

the time keeper is the promise keeper and dream fulfiller

Bronze astrolabe made in Iraq in 927-28 - the earliest known example of a dated astrolabe.

new data .. from afar

keeping with jupiter.uranus promise read in NASA " Planck Mission Peels Back Layers Of The Universe " The Planck mission released a new data catalogue Tuesday from initial maps of the entire sky. Universe Today " Planck Unveils the Wonders of the Universe " article by Mark Thompson published on January 12, 2011 earlier info with the Spitzer Space Telescope here Science Daily " First Stars In The Universe " Astronomers Reveal First Objects In Our Universe (with video) from June 1, 2007

the ouroboros

  Well as a stepping out of the memorable trials of 2010, this last month has been quite challenging ! We recently had the total Lunar Eclipse at 29° Gemini on the Solstice, less than two degrees opposite the Galactic Center, reactivating matters that had come to light during the course of the past few years; it was followed on December 26-27 by the Sun aligning with Pluto at 5° Capricorn thus indicating that certain "secrets" or issues are revealed and made manifest in a rather dense form. As if it were not enough then on the 29th, hours before Mercury finally went direct in Sagittarius - to progressively clear our recent muddy thinking - Mars in Capricorn squared Saturn in Libra, asking us to abide our time while testing our courage, patience and ability to meet frustrations, obstacles and restrictions! 2011 started on its first day in a lighter mode with the Moon entering Sagittarius after she'd fully activated during the last hours of a difficult year, a p

merry christmas/feliz nochebuena/joyeux noël

after a recent gemini eclipse and mercury being still retrograde in sagittarius : we are to expect bad weather conditions and delays re. travel plans .. despite having the current difficulties and hard times on our minds, as the sun is almost conjunct pluto in capricorn and mars is closing into a square to saturn .. the moon in leo however may uplift our spirits with its benevolent and generous influence and remind us that sharing with one another is most important and meaningful. all in all we may celebrate a warm and quiet christmas .. happy holidays and blessings to all!!

Light at the heart of Darkness

“ I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” Hafez As everyone has been writing extensively about the significance of having a Total Lunar Eclipse occur just hours before the Solstice, I will not enter the dispute over the last occurence of such astrological event and will only add my two penny with a few considerations. This total Lunar Eclipse occurring at 29° Gemini while the Full Moon is closely aligned to the Nodes, is joined by Mercury retrograde and Pluto, and is squared Uranus .. Days prior to this Sagittarius Sun. Gemini Moon opposition, time speeded up with Mars joining the North Node before a triple meeting with Pluto and Mercury gone retrograde: many probably have experienced breakdowns and breakthroughs .. revealing in due course the 'karmic' dimensions of the current times. But feeling that time to take important decisions was inevitably approaching, we've probably pondered over all poss

The Light of Smiles

I will light the match of smiles. My gloom veil will disappear. I shall behold my soul in the light of my smiles, hidden behind the accumulated darkness of ages. When I find myself, I shall race through all hearts with the torch of my soul-smiles. My heart will smile first, then my eyes and my face. Every body part will shine in the light of smiles. I will run amid the thickets of melancholy hearts and make a bonfire of all sorrows. I am the irresistible fire of smiles. I will fan myself with the breeze of God-joy and blaze my way through the darkness of all minds. My smiles will convey His smiles and whoever meets me will catch a whiff of my divine joy. I will carry fragrant purifying torches of smiles for all hearts. I will help weeping ones to smile, by smiling myself, even when it is difficult. In the cheer of all hearts I hear the echo of Thy bliss. In the friendship of all true hearts I discover Thy friendship. I rejoice as much in the prosperity of my brothers as

Gems within forms

Moon in Sagittarius from a Persian Manuscript Today a free-spirited New Moon in Sagittarius augurs many opportunities this month with the promise of solid results thanx to its exact sextile to Saturn in Libra .. this sensation of general improvement will be accelerated when hours later Uranus in Pisces turns direct. The new moon is also quintile Chiron/Neptune in Aquarius, asking us to think outside the box! And once Mars enters Capricorn just two days later on the 7th (date chosen for a mass run on the banks), confirming that action with the goal of achievement may move mountains.. it will activate high tides again when joining the Moon's Nodes after Mercury's passage and present conjunction to Pluto: as if recent civil protests and the revelation of certain leaks were only opening the way for a real stage Event in December! In short, on December 11 when Mercury and Mars' transit trigger the T-Square, it will prefigure precisely the path for a powerful lunar ecl