
summer under venus' light

"Blessed are the meek , for they shall inherit the earth ". (MATTHEW 5:5). With " A Large Diamond In The First Stages Of The Cutting Process " as a symbol .. reminding us how demanding an aspiration is "perfection" ! the July 1st Solar Eclipse that started a new 18yr Saros cycle - will be kept under triggers for some time into this month .. July in the meanwhile will be highlighted by Venus .. turning at first self-protective and private when she enters Cancer and also combust as she grows closer to her superior conjunction to the Sun by mid August. July 4th : She enters Cancer and trines Neptune (inspiration, compassion, soulfullness ..) July 7-8 : She trines Chiron and squares Uranus (a good time for healing on the margin of surprising events and irritations/impatience/hypersensitivities) July 8-9 : She opposes Pluto and sextiles Jupiter, amplifying their current trine - of wealth and unearthed treasures - while she may bring so

the wind harp

(fair culture 2) the wind harp © etherealcounterparts

chandra grahan

"Any cycle of existence must begin in something. Life emerges out of one kind of seed or another. In the cycle of yearly vegetation, the seed lies hidden in the ground during the winter; then, as the sun's rays gain strength and spring begins, the great event of germination occurs. As the seed is torn asunder by some inner power of eager response to the sun, the rootlet stretches itself downward into the soil and the little germ reaches up to the crust of the soil, which it breaks in a magnificent gesture of liberation from the darkness of the past."   Meditations on Saturn by Dane Rudhyar The Total Lunar Eclipse at 25° Sagittarius during 15 June 2011 Full Moon, happens with the Earth perfectly aligned between the Sun and Moon - so 'she' will pass at the very center thru the Earth' shadow .. and will turn copper for even longer. Reactivating the same degree as that of December 2008 and closer to the Galactic center, the

1925 eclipse

On January 24, 1925 the United States Navy dirigible Los Angeles filmed a total solar eclipse over Long Island.  Watch on YouTube :


Cassini image film by Chris Abbas, from NASA Cassini images

fair-culture 1

In the same manner we'd come up with the notion of fair-trade, it has become obvious at least to me that the "new world" we keep talking about, is in deep need of implementing a fair-culture. I usually find wordiness to blur meaning and my general feeling about the increasing jabber on the blogosphere is that we would be better off expressing ourselves with greater parsimony. The ever-increasing saturation of our world by restless noise and buzzing information-news-opinions-stories in our cyberspace .. is reaching such a degree of non-sense that many of us may want to 'turn it off'. Don't they say God likes silence? Despite the current need for silence, I will explain what I mean by fair-culture and propose an ethereal counterpart to this eclipse season through several posts. This part is an introduction. kali yantra ©Vamakhepa With a sequence of three eclipses during the next month, I can think of no better time to dust off som

in between ... ether and gaïa

  after some time off from stellArium & ethereal counterparts, on this beautiful MoonDay, i will attempt to share some of my current visions and thoughts .. even if it's somewhat difficult to find my words this morning i went out before dawn to watch the cluster and it somehow "spoke" to me morning sky looking East during first part of May according to which house in our chart was activated by the ongoing cluster of planets in Aries, much has recently been happening in that given area of our lives .. most have experienced an incredible amount of energy that enabled the launch of a new cycle however, this initial energy stemming pure and direct from the deepest core of the "self" ..  also had with every occurrence, to go through a particular retributive phase each of the personal planets in Aries first contacted Uranus in Aries (standing alone & total break from the past), then squared Pluto in Capricorn (purification of sorts to better con

the New Day

for thousands of years our Culture was One with Nature and Life was understood according to its cyclic rythm in recent history, some have opposed culture against Nature until chaos reaches its bitter end - while disasters keep pointing us back to The Way .. Nowrooz, the New Day, celebrating the exact astronomical time of the vernal equinox when the center of the sun enters the aries point and crosses the equator, reminds us that it is never too late .. for Hope feb 18-Mar 5 period has been a major turning point in global choices, marking our collective course for a long time - these choices made despite our 'selves' came to 'light' under the last full moon (mar 19), at the same time as an alignment with our age-old wisdom .. in any case since march 19, we have entered a "retributive" zone i have described earlier, which will last until early may : the effect is retributive and karmic so the truth can stand out - it therefore blocks, delays, suppre

a clear vision of tomorrow

painting by Caspar David Friedrich we collectively need to face up in all consciousness to the karmic consequences of many cycles' accumulated errors and abuse.. before writing the next chapter! new moon 3 February 2011, 2:30:39 gmt, 7e15, 43n42 symbol 14° aquarius a train entering the tunnel according to Rudhyar this is in short about mastering timing and techniques in order to achieve a precise goal and progress .. it indicates a certain form of "penetration"  on a personal level, thanks to will power, intelligence and the mastery of one's body (yoga) we may accelerate our natural process of evolution. the main feature of this New Moon chart is a stellium in Aquarius composed of Ceres, Sun, Moon, Mars, Neptune, Chiron with two pairs of planets flanking its sides and in a square aspect. thus on one side, we find the ruler of the Aquarius stellium Uranus in Piscis, still conjunct Jupiter now in Aries - while on the other, we have Venus in S

.. and here will come the Sun

the earth and humanity are undergoing a cleansing process and despite appearances, the current release of negative energies is necessary and occurs for the ultimate good of all .. meditation and visualization are helpful tools in channeling our desire to contribute something positive. our love, our intentions and our energy may help the rest of the planet. for practice it is usually best to follow our own intuition, but should you need help to get started please find below a few simple suggestions : meditation - relaxation (suggested time : nightfall) sit in comfortable position and close your eyes, make sure your legs and arms are not crossed take three deep slow breaths while relaxing your body then return to your natural breathing and focus on it, observing the air going in and out and its rhythm without trying to control eventually there will be a balance between the inhaling and exhaling if your mind starts wandering, observe the thoughts/images without follo