
Showing posts from August, 2023

in Grace

  in multidimensional astrology what prevails is the energy of a given moment connecting to the source and essence of ALL as the Lord of our incarnation, and the ruler of Time and Space…  in the Old Earth,  the place and role of Saturn may have been slightly misunderstood this Full Moon offers us a great opportunity for a better under.standing  31.08.2023 @ 1:37gmt  Full Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces Etymologically the word Saturn comes from Latin Saturnus, and its alternative derivation satus, the past participle of serō (to sow)  Saturnus designates the Roman God, the planet, and the lead used in alchemy.  Saturn in astrology refers to the 6th planet from the Sun, a giant planet surrounded by three concentric rings of ice particles. The second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter, it is a gas giant with an average radius of about nine and a half times that of Earth. It only has one-eighth the average density of Earth, but is over 95 times more...

La nuit noire

    Sans vouloir faire de généralités sur la nuit noire de l'âme, également appelée la "nuit de la foi", j'aimerais exprimer ce qui suit. La Nuit Noire est l'expérience de l'absence de Lumière et de Foi, comme si Dieu avait disparu et que nous ne savons plus à quoi nous accrocher. Alors que nous perdons toutes nos références intérieures et extérieures et que plus rien ne semble avoir de sens, ce sentiment "d'absence" devient insupportable, et une obscurité totale envahit tous nos sens et notre esprit - jusqu'à vivre un semblant de "mort". Le grand saint chrétien et mystique espagnol, Saint Jean de la Croix, est celui qui a le mieux décrit son expérience dans deux poèmes : "L'ascension du Mont Carmel" et "La nuit obscure de l'âme". Mais cette notion de nuit noire existe également sous différents noms dans toutes les traditions religieuses. À ce point le plus bas de notre parcours spirituel, ce qui émerge d...

The Dark Night

  Without wanting to make generalities re. the dark night of the soul - which is also called the “night of faith”, I’d like to say the following. The Dark Night is when we experience the absence of Light, and Faith, as if God has disappeared and we no longer know what to hold on to. As we loose hold of all inner and outer bearings and nothing seems to make any sense, the feeling of “absence” seems unbearable, and a total darkness overtakes all our senses and our mind - to the point of a seeming “death”.. The Spanish Christian Saint and Mystic, St John of the Cross best described his experience in two poems:  Ascent of Mount Carmel  and  The Dark Night of the Soul . But the same notion also exists under different names in all religious traditions. At this low point of our spiritual journey, what emerges from the deepest part of our being is at first a form of utter desolation. It is a period during which we undergo a thorough energetic “purification” and a release of ...

a Tale of the Diamond Heart - I AM a Flame

Now Imagine that you are going about your day as any other day, and the phone rings: you reach out to answer and before you hear the sound of a voice on the line, you are propelled out of your body in a space shimmering with light, where you see a distinct hallowed silhouette in an otherworldly beam, standing before you.  A voice says “hello”, resounding in extraordinary echoes.  You then see the space around you, glistening in rainbow colours and undulating through infinite transparencies of optical layers.   Time stands still and your mind is silenced. You are overtaken with Joy and Love, and you feel a space as large as the whole Universe, widening slowly inside your chest. You have reconnected with your counterpart, your beloved, and you both feel transfigured instantly. After some time, you meet one another physically, and during the whole time you are in each other’s presence, it’s as if you both float a few feet above the ground. Everything has shifted in your life...

8-8 portal

  © Ron Gatepain The exploration of humanity’s quest for its origins has already unveiled various clues through the lens of Soul narratives. However most remain focused on their identity and existence on the physical plane, with a growing acknowledgment of what is referred to as past incarnations for earthlings, but very few grasp the significance of our Stellar origins .  August, with its Christic vibration, holds intensified energy compared to July.  In the days leading up to 22 July, a profound shift occurs as Mary Magdalen's love starts enveloping Earth,  flowing through humanity's collective consciousness, and imbuing all life forms. Many of us feel an irresistible surge in our heart-space, days before the Galactic New Year on 26 July.  This ethereal embrace is akin to a sweet nectar and gains  momentum towards the Lion's Gate which culminates on 8 August, when Earth aligns with Sirius .  For a number of years now, this yearly pivotal period has ...