in Grace

in multidimensional astrology what prevails is the energy of a given moment connecting to the source and essence of ALL as the Lord of our incarnation, and the ruler of Time and Space… in the Old Earth, the place and role of Saturn may have been slightly misunderstood this Full Moon offers us a great opportunity for a better under.standing 31.08.2023 @ 1:37gmt Full Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces Etymologically the word Saturn comes from Latin Saturnus, and its alternative derivation satus, the past participle of serō (to sow) Saturnus designates the Roman God, the planet, and the lead used in alchemy. Saturn in astrology refers to the 6th planet from the Sun, a giant planet surrounded by three concentric rings of ice particles. The second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter, it is a gas giant with an average radius of about nine and a half times that of Earth. It only has one-eighth the average density of Earth, but is over 95 times more...