in Grace


in multidimensional astrology

what prevails is the energy of a given moment
connecting to the source and essence of ALL
as the Lord of our incarnation, and the ruler of Time and Space… in the Old Earth, the place and role of Saturn may have been slightly misunderstood
this Full Moon offers us a great opportunity for a better under.standing 

31.08.2023 @ 1:37gmt Full Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Etymologically the word Saturn comes from Latin Saturnus, and its alternative derivation satus, the past participle of serō (to sow) 

Saturnus designates the Roman God, the planet, and the lead used in alchemy. 

Saturn in astrology refers to the 6th planet from the Sun, a giant planet surrounded by three concentric rings of ice particles. The second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter, it is a gas giant with an average radius of about nine and a half times that of Earth. It only has one-eighth the average density of Earth, but is over 95 times more massive.

In Roman mythology Saturn, considered the god of agriculture and vegetation, was the equivalent to the Greek god Chronos, the ruler of time. 

Lead (Saturn) is an essential feature of the alchemical process. As the lowest of base metals, it carries all the energy necessary for transmutation to Gold, which is known to be a very slow process. As a result of its intrinsic alchemical characteristics, Saturn in its archetypal form, is mostly “associated with the notion of a boundary or limitations of power and control”.

But let’s break the word differently: 
Sat - from Sanskrit: सत् which is the root of many words and concepts such as sattva, "pure, truthful", and satya, "truth", and has several meanings or translations: "Absolute truth", "Reality”, "unchangeable", "that which has no distortion", "that which is beyond distinctions of time, space, and person", "that which pervades the universe in all its constancy". 
These notions of Truth and Reality concerning the essence of SAT.. are important for us, the ascending, as it opens a new perspective for our process. 

Saturn is amongst other things considered the Lord of Karma and certain words are generally mis.understood - let’s consider KARMA in its original significance: as the universal causal law by which good or bad actions determine the future modes of an individual's existence, Karma represents the ethical dimension of the process of rebirth (samsara), a prevalent notion in Indian tradition. 
Whether we consider Karma as linked to the notion of rebirth or not, it is nonetheless the principle by which our actions create an imprint on our energetic body, and which acts as a knot that perdures until it is undone and released. 

For the ascending, a karmic clearing is a prerequisite to the journey. In connecting and integrating our higher self, or the divine in us, we raise our frequency, expand our consciousness, and spontaneously clear our karma. Once the ascending process is activated, the clearing happens organically, with no need for outside intervention. We may need assistance and guidance on our journey, but no-one can clear our karma for us, and we don't need “interventions” that may end up interfering. The ascending are sovereign beings, Masters of their own. 

The clearing is part of our purification, and as we proceed
we release the outdated and liberate ourselves from bindings 
we feel Peace 
we align with our Soul
we step in and stand in our TRUTH
we operate from our heart-space, our core
we shine and emanate our Light

in Grace
So Be It

x AA


Asato mā sad gamaya
tamaso mā jyotir gamaya
mṛtyor mā amṛtam gamaya
Om shanti shanti shanti
Lead me from delusion to Truth
from darkness to Light
from fear of Death to the immortality of Soul
Let there be Peace Peace and peacefulness amongst All

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all rights reserved © stellArium & ethereal counterparts

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