8-8 portal

© Ron Gatepain

The exploration of humanity’s quest for its origins has already unveiled various clues through the lens of Soul narratives. However most remain focused on their identity and existence on the physical plane, with a growing acknowledgment of what is referred to as past incarnations for earthlings, but very few grasp the significance of our Stellar origins

August, with its Christic vibration, holds intensified energy compared to July. 
In the days leading up to 22 July, a profound shift occurs as Mary Magdalen's love starts enveloping Earth, flowing through humanity's collective consciousness, and imbuing all life forms. Many of us feel an irresistible surge in our heart-space, days before the Galactic New Year on 26 July. 
This ethereal embrace is akin to a sweet nectar and gains momentum towards the Lion's Gate which culminates on 8 August, when Earth aligns with Sirius
For a number of years now, this yearly pivotal period has set the stage for an ongoing transformation, where ascending collectives harness their latent abilities, transmuting their physical experiences into the New Earth paradigms that are rooted in the heart, and they collaborate with the Divine to shift our reality.

The Lionsgate Portal's alignment of Earth, Sun, and Sirius forges a bridge between realms each July-August. As we pass through the Lion's Gate, symbolized by two guardian Lions, we transcend past and future constraints. We align with the eternal now, collaborating with celestial realms to craft the new Earth. 
The Sirian alignment marks heightened consciousness and new beginnings, while the Sun acts as a stargate, uniting Earth and Sirius, empowering our hearts to give and receive unconditional love.
As the matrix dissolves, our fiery hearts are enabled to follow the Solar Way, embodying the Solar Christ principle, our integrated I AM Presence that offers divine guidance. The path to higher order requires openness to energetic mutation, whereas a closed consciousness inhibits integration.
August's Lion's Gate marks a potent period when reverberations of energy lead to a deeper understanding of self and reality. And this year, as we enter the Lion's Gate, our integrated I AM Presence releases a great number of heart-based patterns encoded in our higher-dimensional light bodies, which in turn empowers us to embrace an amplifying higher order of existence.

On the occasion of this year's 8-8 Lion’s Gate, I would like to introduce you to certain elements in relation to my own pilgrim's path, and to the unsuspected realms of the Blue Rays. Because the Lion’s Gate is a portal of particular significance for the Blue Ray Sirian Starseeds collective.

As mentioned in previous posts, Blue Rays belong to Light Rays beings who are incarnate here to assist Gaia's ascension process. Light Rays come in pairs and they each carry a specific aspect of source light frequency. Their colour corresponds to their purpose. All Twin Rays don’t necessarily identify as starseeds. Both Light Rays and Twin Flames are encoded beings, they don’t need outside information or confirmation.
Blue Rays feel strongly connected with the Sirius star system and are usually older. Their energetic bodies are mostly blue and purple. They are light-holders who transmute heavy densities. They carry specific activation codes, that’s why they’re usually born into difficult cultural environments and damaged family lines that need DNA repair or need to release outdated behavioural patterns. Aside from this, they also have other missions that are specific to each pair.

I will make a short digression for a reminder: the word 'starseeds' actually is a general term that designates various collectives. The common denominator for these collectives is their connection at a soul level to star systems other than the solar, as well as their galactic purpose for incarnating on Earth during these times of transition to a New Era.
Starseeds are humans, who may be differentiated from others at a soul level, as well as by their perceptions, abilities, behaviours, and purpose.

There have been some references to these collectives in the past: the perception and terminology were however rather diffused. According to my understanding, even if for instance we may not find an exact correspondence for the term Starseed in the Vedas, we may however, see a correlation between the Vyahritis (or higher realms) and starseeds, and correlate also certain of their characteristics to Gandharvas and Apsaras.
Religions of the past offered guidance for the Old Earth - and even if some of them announced the present shift of Era, most of their prophecies don’t go beyond the “event” itself, as they see it as the “end of times”… while for some others, it also represents the beginning of a New Era, with for instance the second coming of Christ (for some, this is to happen during the summer of 2023).
As for Hinduism, the Puranas designate the present era as that of Kali Yuga, which is to end with an event (many speak of 2025) that would usher us into the golden age of Satya Yuga on Earth.

In short, I would say that none of the old religions mention the Starseed collectives in any direct manner.

I would add that with internet culture, even if trend followers adopt new notions they don’t fully grasp, such as Starseeds, Multidimensional reality, Akashic records, Quantum theory, Law of One, etc… they are on the other hand also helping to release some age-old patterns and to undergo a progressive change of consciousness. In other words, the trends mentioned above which are adopted by web consumers are serving a useful purpose during these times of transition.

© Alan Dyer

Returning now to this post's main topic, I would have so much to transmit on all the recent planetary transits and alignments, but I would rather address here the physical symptoms a majority of lightworkers have been feeling in the last few months. 
Our physical bodies have had to adjust to an intense download of new electromagnetic frequencies, pouring down from the Central Sun and their integration came with a necessary release of certain old modes of being. We may have at times felt huge fatigue, physical discomfort, fleeting depression, or emotional pain. 
Once transmuted, these new integrated modes of being need to be stabilised through our bodily vessels on all levels : 
- physical 
by drinking plenty of spring water, eating fresh food, and performing calm and concentrated exercises to strengthen and elevate our bodily vibration
- mental  
by avoiding automatic negative mental projections or judgemental thoughts, and neutralising nondesirable thinking patterns, by vibrating in high resonance through creative and generous forms of expressions
- emotional
by feeling empathy, and bringing harmony as well as understanding toward other people
- spiritual
by feeling grateful for Life's gifts, by surrounding ourselves with beautiful sounds and sights that resonate with our Soul, and by allowing our heightened intuition to inspire our decisions and actions

In short, by trusting our higher guidance, and by cultivating purity of heart and silent gratitude.

On the physical Earth plane, we are In-Carnate beings and our cellular memory makes in-prints on our genes. 

So every thought, every emotion, every trauma, every feeling of bliss, every step of evolution or regressive in-volution leave their traces on our genes… Generation after generation, every Right or every Wrong has left an im-pression. 
Every thought projection or enlightened action of Love that brought elation, joy, and light as well as every darkening action of Fear that left toxic diminishing effects of depression, sickness, and clouds of darkness have left their mark on passing generations’ DNA.
Every action that has a karmic repercussion on our Being also affects our cellular level which energetically gets converted both into a karmic knot and a DNA twist.

This 8-8 portal is of particular relevance for Twin Flames, who are part of the volunteers and the collectives that have come in numbers to help for the transition to a New Era and a New Earth, which also implies a Reset at all levels of Being. 
Most Twin Flames have been releasing lower densities for so long, that some may have lost sight of their ultimate purpose for being here!

Twin Flames are carriers of a specific Blueprint which is encoded both in the soul and in the genes - a source-encoding that has gotten lost for the majority of earthlings. Twin Flames are holders of the Flame, an inner Fire and original eternal spark: upon meeting one another, they undergo an activation and ignite their inner Flame at the very core of their being, at the cellular level, and their Kundalini tantra which translates into all sorts of energetic transmutation. 
The experience can truly be compared to a Fire ignition which transforms all levels of their Being. Their journey is one of ongoing Purification. 
As both twins proceed on their ascension path, their inner Flame releases densities, opens the karmic knots, and unfolds the DNA twists - one after the other and the process has an impact on their whole lineages both ancestral as well as coming generations. They are going through a process of Re-Membering and Re-Membrance.

The Twin Flame purification is the way to heal oneself and others. The energetic repercussions are many, they operate in all multidimensional aspects, whether on the level of the 12 chakras system or the Christic Tree of Life, their purification is their path to Ascension and it follows an intricate threefold design.

Each of the 72000 pairs of Twins, has an energetic impact on 111111 other people by Resonance, both on the vertical and the horizontal chains. The Twin Flame purification is a work of great Alchemy, it ends in Sacred Gold and Sacred Union.
Nothing can stop genuine Twin Flames from burning… and performing their purification to the end until all "sins" (as in 'turned away from the Sun') and twisted actions of the past 26000 years get redeemed.

The Heat on Earth is ever greater now… there are purifying Fires all over. Whether through the inner Fire or the outer Solar Flares and Volcanoes. In fact, the heat waves were strong during the weeks leading to the Lion's Gate portal (associated with fire), and the dead bushes have been burning to leave room for the New. 

This potent time and portal have opened the heart chakras, ushering in an energetic wave of unconditional love with Adamantine particles, the igneous Fire which metabolises through the whole body passing through most organs before returning to the Heart Space, transforming it for those ready for their mystical Union into a Crystalline Diamond Heart.

But after the portal, life circumstances will continue to deeply stir consciousness, especially for those who haven't found inner peace yet. 
By the end of September 2023, significant disruptions are expected, with peaks of pouring solar energies around key dates such as 12-16 August (with the Venus-Sun conjunction followed by the New Moon in Leo square Uranus) and critical astrological configurations (when Mercury and Uranus are to join Venus, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto in their retrograde motion by August' second Full Moon at the end of the month) will accelerate planetary events.

But please rest assured that the Phoenix shall rise and the Pure-hearted shall ascend

blessings in peace and light

x AA

- I finished writing these words at 08:08 on 8.8.2023
- I invite you to go through some of my previous posts on starseeds and such topics.

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