
the eternal return - 3

mutilation of uranus by saturn 3° Saturn, Uranus and Pluto bells already ringing for 2010 "The challenge to become a greater and more inclusive individual is usually felt…At such times, the “greater” initially tends to appear as the enemy of the status quo. Therefore, if the challenge is accepted, one must inevitably break with his traditions on some level of existence. Symbolically, then, he must pit Uranus against Saturn. Habit patterns will always resist change; and when the pressure of some creative challenge is felt, the ego will experience a sense of impending doom, generating fear and resisting change... The more rigid the ego [Saturn], the sharper the break must be in the end. If a crucial phase of the Saturn-Uranus cycle coincides with some overwhelming emotional crisis, the cause will always be the rigid inertia of social customs, privileges, personal habits, or assumed behavior patterns which resist the call of the creative spirit within...." Alexander R

the eternal return - 2

Hermes with his mischevious gaze... 2° Mercury goes retrograde on Sept. 24th until Oct. 15th 2008. There is an obsession amongst conventional astrologers with Mercury going retrograde. Many start panicking way in advance, and usually isolate it from the larger picture. It might well be that they depend much on the particulars of Mercury for their own mundane activities. My stand on the subject is more detached. Because Mercury is the fastest of all planets in the solar system, it goes retrograde several times a year and I see more significance in the retrograde motions of other planets. All the planets (except Sun and Moon which are luminaries) have retrograde periods. Mercury is most famous for them, probably because it rules all things pertaining to communication. This said, the coming Mercury retrograde will have an unusual impact on the individual level, considering the contacts it will be making along the way, activating mishaps in personal realms. In astrology, ret

the eternal return - 1

when the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator What I've learned throughout the years, is that no matter how you convey anything related to astrology, there are very few people (astrologers themselves included) who will take heed and act with greater consciousness or freedom of will. When I lived in New York City, I was regularly consulted by several Wall Street brokers (they helped me pay my way through my degree)... At some point I was even asked to work for the US government. Following my instinct I declined, resuming also my collaboration with the brokers (except for one: "P" who was my close friend) and eventually decided to buy my one way ticket to Europe. Over the years "P" has been consulting me on a yearly basis, but since last year the tempo has changed and I've done a number of different studies for him offering thorough advice and solutions. Last night he called me almost in tears and recognized that he never really followed any of my

august eclipses = the hand of Fate.

The Solar Eclipse that takes place on August 1, 2008, will be a total eclipse of the Sun with a magnitude of 1.039 that will be visible from a narrow corridor through northern Canada (Nunavut), northern part of Russia, western Mongolia, and China. It belongs to the so-called midnight Sun eclipses, as it will be visible from regions experiencing Midnight sun.     nasa national geographic Nice, Fri Aug-1-08 local=12:12pm univ.time=10:12 sid.time=7:22:35    Symbol: 10° Leo Early Morning Dew Sparkles As Sunlight Floods The Field As for all other total solar eclipses, this one will close a chapter in some area of our lives, ending those elements no longer relevant to us. In Leo there lies the creative, the self-dramatizing and romantic love energy. In this eclipse chart, the Sun is the final dispositor of all the planets except for Neptune and Uranus which are in mutual reception. It indicates an opportunity to integrate all areas of life on a conscious level. Despite few aspe

plutonian trials - 3

= one last chance Ange de la fontaine Subé à Reims-FR on friday the thirteenth of june, you may have perceived the shift : pluto turned retrograde and will soon re-enter sagitarius for the last time before another 248 years. from november on it will be pursuing its capricornian journey for the next 16 years. we now have a last chance to rectify and understand our recent "expansions" ! in fact during pluto retrograde we always need to turn our attention 'inside' and reflect upon our previous actions in order to integrate them at a deep level and EVOLVE as individuals as well as a collective. more than ever this period of our common history determines the future of our planet and humanity. what is at stake has become so evident even for the least perceptive one, it shows that we are becoming somewhat more responsible and conscious as a group. for a reminder, pluto in sagittarius has been a period when we needed to end our existing religious (as in religa

plutonian trials - 2

nasa There are days when you may feel like an orphan. Days when there is no-one from outside to rely on. Days when something very deep inside is undergoing transformation and no matter which way you look, you don't find words to communicate it. Well, let's start another attempt to talk about Plutonian trials. Everything has a beginning a middle and an end : this may be the beginning of the end for Democracy. i mentioned earlier that even the notion of ownership is to disappear. Here I will extend it further : why own an identity? Is it not a tool, as much as the ego is also one, to help us go thru the social aspect of living. There is nothing wrong with having an ego or an identity as long as we are aware of their purpose and finality. The more potent an idea or concept on a collective level, the more people "identify" with it and are reluctant to let it go. However, there are also times in history when the need for change speeds up and those who were n

a special full moon

Have you noticed how special the energy around is recently? Every moment in time has unique qualities : we are about to experience a very auspicious full moon day with the rare opportunity to remove some karmic obstacles from our lives, in particular those passed down from our ancestors. Some call this the 'Buddha Moon", and it only happens once in a millenium = the Loving and Unconditionnal Presence gets embodied on Earth. An intense Solar partnership with Saturn and Pluto will be reflected by the Scorpio Moon and will illuminate the world of Soul and Spirit in physical form - Allow yourself to embrace and be embraced by its gentle energy, by its enlightened and supportive presence. Awaken to the deep compassion and wisdom of your own higher being. A few words, should you need help in performing a simple ritual of this sort : for instance you could spend a quiet and reflective time making a list (bring to your consciousness) of those patterns and tendencies it is time

plutonian trials - 1

Ever since Pluto entered Capricorn on January 25, you've probably been examining your life conditions, wondering where you want your life to take you. You've been trying to figure out which will be the ambitions and projects you want to invest yourself into.  If you have felt this, then be prepared for the next chapter: Pluto turns retrograde on April 2, so you can review your new plans. May I remind you a few things:  1- Pluto rules Scorpio the sign of power issues as well as their misuse.  2- Pluto is the energy, motives, purpose, and integrity of any form of power is made of.  3- In fact it is all the hidden motives in a person wielding power.  In the sign of Capricorn, a fear of authority will call upon our inner strength to become stronger than the outer situation: that is a typical "trial by fire" response to Pluto-related situations. So when activated, Pluto brings to the fore situations that contain issues of power: the kind of situations where we strive t

goodies for a change!

We have entered an upbeat phase, so to speak, indicated by Mercury's alignment with Jupiter and Uranus culminating tomorrow. It all begins to unfold today, yet we ought to expect surprises. Anything can happen! nasa on March 28 After the last weeks' intensity, this tuning into lovely Venus as she sextiles Jupiter and conjuncts independent Uranus on the same day will present a nice break.  Also on March 28, Uranus sextiles Jupiter, giving Venus its freedom theme!  When entering Sagittarius the Moon joins in this cheerful alignment, and will definitely help keep our spirits high. This is an electrifying, sparkly aspect. Be ready for an out-of-the-blue meeting, or a huge desire to change things.  In relationships, expect the kind of conversations exploring how close is too close, or how can the excitement be kept alive.  With mercury, tongues will go fast enough to speak first and think later. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and is in achievement-oriented Capricorn no

shamanic light

mahakala mandala Depending on your time zone, the Sun enters Aries late Wednesday or early Thursday, marking a new astrological year with the Vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere).  Fueled with the spirit of rebirth, this equinox alignment is immediately and emphatically followed by the Libra Full Moon on Friday, promising some surprises. An explosive t-square between Pluto in Capricorn (read my earlier post about Pluto), Mars in Cancer, and the Sun in Aries will turn into a Grand Cardinal Cross, an aspect calling for integration and perfect equilibrium when the Moon moves into Libra and opposes the Sun during Friday's Full Moon. The grand cross announces a turning point in our collective destiny, and it will particularly affect individuals who have key points in those degrees of their charts. Pluto will bring to the surface any hidden emotional and psychological issues that demand to be acknowledged and dealt with before healing