
'before and after'.. cycles and simple acts of mercy

may "Light"  always  overcome "darkness" ... as i write there has been much delirious buzzing about the coming grand cardinal cross line-up (April 2014) which is to occur shortly after the March 2014 equinox/ingress point and Aries new moon: the speculations involve many dark scenarios because the planet Mars will be joining the cardinal cross...  let us try to remember the various times of our lives which carried a drastic sense of "before and after" the kind that was all transforming on many different levels... weren't these periods of our lives usually confusing, sometime very painful and full of darkness? most likely, yes. despite any intuition or foreboding, could we have been able to predict the exact outcome for these transformations? most likely, no. even the most capable seers and psychics can only be 'approximative'... that's because so much seems to happen outside our ultimate human ...

each day has its dawn

  Full Moon in Leo - 14 february 2014, 23:53 gmt, 7e15, 43n42 while Venus gone direct has been dragging the T-Square effects between Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto and Mercury retrograde has been lingering near foggy Neptune before its coming inferior conjunction to the Sun (15 february) in its square to Saturn in Scorpio (11 february) Sun in Aquarius has brought the weight of the world on some of our shoulders and once again in this full Moon chart (14 february) with Saturn and Uranus at their respective apex the two T-Squares indicate much conflicting and frustrated energies however Libra Mars conjunct the north Node trine the Sun and sextile the Moon enables to calmly review issues which, after having been brought up last november, are most likely coming to the fore again to see beyond masks and roles and slowly find resolutions after this full Moon (14 february) because everything happens in stages and cycles  going in one day from s...

a frosted clarity

' Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. ' —  Einstein ' Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draws it. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves. ' —  Buddha   Just days before the winter solstice, a full Moon in Gemini opposing the Sun allows for a frosted clarity in our perception of reality... This December Full Moon is an invitation to realize how we create the world we live in with all our thoughts, wishes and fears. As energy never gets lost but changes in form, we therefore have the power to shape and transform our inner/outer environment.. so that a different world eventually 'materialize'.   snow-covered pyramids december 2013. symbol Gemini 26°: Frost-covered trees against winter skies. Key: The revelation of ...


number six when celestial bodies, by occupying positions at 60° distance from each other, align in two grand trines opposing one other, they create what is commonly called a star of David geometric configuration. eventhough it happens at irregular intervals, it is not as uncommon as some may want to believe (there has been an average of ten in the last twenty years). during many decades (since the 1940s) the two outer planets Pluto and Neptune (transpersonal energies) have been sixty degrees apart, signaling a major civilisation shift and in recent times they were often involved in the star configuration . during the renaissance, Pluto and Neptune where also involved in such a sextile aspect . the actual interpretation of this six-pointed planetary configuration depends on the elements and the planets involved. in all cases it does mark a turning point of energies and indicates a time when, while having a complete cohesive vision (grand trine)  we nee...

giving .. the highest form of receiving

photograph by Raymond Gehman 19 June 2013 Sun conjunct Jupiter a new start.. with rays of Love right before the solstice marking the tempo for the whole summer season and heralding the beneficent grand water trine indicates optimism, confidence about the future a favorable time for unblocking certain energies and reach for a form of transcendence for sending messages, to overcome certain communication problems and amend sibling relationships a desire for mental adventure and travel a willingness to take risks and embark on new ideas and/or areas of studies a danger of wanting to appear bigger than one really is The first mockingbird of spring key: The creative exuberance of the human soul in response to basic life experiences. The mockingbird is able to imitate sounds he hears, but actually he does more than imitate, for he weaves all these sounds into melodies which at times can have joyous amplitude and instinctively creative spontaneity. T...

like wind chimes

Annular Solar Eclipse - nasa annular solar eclipse time (9.5.13 > 10.5.13 for gmt) : Partial begin 21:25:10 Total begin 22:30:34 Greatest eclipse 0:26:20 Total end 2:19:58 Partial end 3:25:23 symbol : wisps of wing-like clouds streaming across the sky Key: The awareness of spiritual forces at work. Any emergence of life potentialities from the depth of the vast Unconscious is answered by the spiritual activity of superconscious forces in a cosmic kind of antiphony. The individual who has taken a new step in their evolution should look for the "Signature" of divine Powers confirming their progress. It may reveal the meaning of what is to come next. The "wing-like clouds" may also symbolize the presence of celestial beings (devas, angels) blessing and subtly revealing the direction to take, the direction of "the wind" of destiny. This stage concludes a process, having experienced which the individual should find themse...

Alexander Ruperti (1913-1998)

  A. Ruperti and D. Rudhyar my mentor Alexander Ruperti (1913-1998) was born 100 years ago he helped many generations of astrologers in understanding Rudhyar's thinking and principles  and in developing further his synthetic approach to astrology here is the link to his tribute to Dane Rudhyar (1895-1985) :  A Seed-Man For The New Era in 2000 Joyce Hoen wrote the following about A. Ruperti :  It was March, 1989: the planets Saturn and Neptune were about to meet again after 35 years, for the first time since my birth (when they also where in conjunction). Planets in a birthchart are lived either within, or in relationship with the outside world, and will then manifest there -- all astrologers are aware of how a chart gives us this interesting take on reality.  It was a sunny day in March and I was asked by Tees Reitsma (who had organized the 3rd international astrology congress of "Astro-Kring" in The Hague re this Saturn-Ne...

.. in the solitary bliss of the white city

Pisces by Johannes Hevelius, 1687 (stars are heightened in gold) The last new moon before Nowruz and the spring equinox... occurs in the midst of a mega stellium with no less than nine 'bodies' (the Sun, Moon, five planets and two asteroids) in Pisces... with Mercury still retrograde,  and the Sun.Moon conjunction forming two major aspects: a trine with the Nodes a T-square with Lilith, Ceres and Vesta on one side and the Galactic Center on the other. This unusual stellium with a mass of planets in Pisces, is actually simpler to interpret than most planetary configurations. The planets are blurring each other's specific function; their activities dissolve and merge into one sole electromagnetic wave. What really stands out is the Piscean vibration, which results in a disintegration of the personality as a separate entity. It requires a "going with the flow" and a channeling of energies through the activities of...

diwali end and beginning

photo by Gada & Lodriguss "One of the most spectacular sights in all of nature is the corona during a total solar eclipse. The corona is the sun's atmosphere. It actually extends far out into the solar system, well past the Earth. It has an extremely wide brightness range of more than 10,000 to 1, and although the human eye has the ability to accommodate it and see detail in the brightest portions near the lunar limb as well as the faintest parts in the outer sections, normal photographic film is not able to record such a great range of contrast. One of the greatest challenges for the eclipse photographer is to record on film an image that even remotely approximates what can be seen visually." This eclipse totality will be visible in the south pacific from northern Australia to the Juan Fernandez islands.  Total Solar Eclipse chart New Moon 13 November 2012 at 22:08 gmt, for 7e15, 43n42 symbol 22° Scorpio Rudhyar: Hunters shooting wil...

l'Homme après l'Homme

Satprem l'Homme après l'Homme (version intégrale en deux parties) Interview de Satprem   (30 October 1923 – 9 April 2007) par David Montemurri, qui a servi de base au film L'homme après l'homme. "On n'est pas dans une crise morale, on n'est pas dans une crise politique, financière, religieuse, on est dans une crise évolutive. On est en train de mourir à l'humanité pour naître à autre chose..." C'est ainsi que Satprem répond à David Montemurri qui lui pose, au cours de cet interview, un certain nombre de questions concernant la crise de la civilisation que nous traversons actuellement. Satprem - Interview (Audio) 1 - 4 "Il faut comprendre, où est le phénomène?" Tr è s rare interview (de Jacques Chancel) avec Satprem, "L'aventurier de l'interieur." Satprem parle de "Mère", Sri Aurobindo et Auroville. De son aventure interieur, de la douleur, de la revolution de la consci...