
golden apples

© nasa time has come to gather the golden apples for tomorrow's eclipse (1st in a trilogy) a lunar inspiration = ‘School grounds filled with boys and girls in gymnasium suits’ and a solar one = ‘A man studying a mandala in front of him, with the help of a very ancient book’

the 'great revolution'

Following the very recent Jupiter.Neptune conjunction and all my recent write ups, I can't help but comment on the green movement and the post-election events taking place in Iran to describe them as a seed for the "great revolution". By showing the way to our rising peacefully before any challenges that face us, the implications of such a movement and its effects on the global community are very positive for the future of our planet and are carriers of great Hope. In my humble opinion we are observing the seeds of some major historical changes: - the will: this new sense of 'Yes We Can' amongst people which started with the recent elections in U.S., is taking a new momentum with the iranian green movement and their 'We are all One'... much stronger than any past conflicts and divisive political postures amongst them, a green wave has travelled the planet in a new sense of unity/mutual support/cooperation between the diaspora and iranians a

a memorable conjunction

These are very crucial times with several major planetary cycles overlapping in a short period: Pluto recently aligned with the Galactic Center, a series of unusual eclipses, Jupiter conj. Neptune followed next year by Jupiter conj. Uranus and Saturn opp. Uranus both square Pluto ... and put in motion by the formation of the grand cross in 2010. Due to their respective cycles, once every 13 years Jupiter the Lord of fortune, expansion and opportunities conjuncts Neptune the Lord of the oceans, the collective unconscious, dreams, inspiration from above and .. confusion. As Rudhyar pointed out, in terms of historical and cultural relevance, the Jupiter Neptune cycle is most significant and quite a reliable tool for a step by step description as it is the only planetary cycle that occurs in the successive signs of the zodiac. This conjunction occurs in the last degrees of Aquarius (at 27° on 27 May 2009 and at 24° in December 2009), their previous meeting in this sign being in 1843

mandala 09

our "mandala" for the astral year to come : the winds of change are blooowing Nowrooz 2009 - equinox Friday March 20th 2009 , 12:43:40 pm Nice, FR - 7e15, 43n42 UT - 11:43:40 sid. - 0:05:14 Sal e Tahvil Tehran - Fri 3:15 PM Los Angeles - Fri 4:45 AM New York - Fri 7:45 AM London - Fri 11:45 AM Paris - Fri 12:45 PM

the cosmic cross

This Full Moon on December 12th is in chatty fast moving light Gemini... but the chart shows a Grand Cross locking the energies of Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Moon. A Grand Cross is fundamentally a very stressful configuration, and because it involves four squares and two oppositions, this pattern affects our actions and energy drive as well as our capacity for balanced relationships : a Mutable Grand Cross can feel like pressure building up to easily disjointed and scattered energies. The image that comes to my mind is the breaking of glass : put intense consistent pressure on a window for instance, it will resist and resist and resist a bit more until it just shatters to smithereens ! Full Moon, Dec.12.08 16:37 GMT - Nice, FR The major challenge here arises from coordinating reactions. With a Mutable Grand Cross we should expect the unexpected and we shouldn't be surprised if this pattern hampers the mood in the usual end of the year activities or even


  © etherealcounterparts 

Spirits UP

Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 12:38pm The coming New Moon may not have a long term impact on current events but does have a tremendous meaning in the cycle of things that pass. Just as we regularly need our day of rest, at times we also need to gain perspective on our goals and sense a range of new opportunities before us... an invitation to get on our feet again! In the next few days a New Moon in Sagittarius will be closely knit with Mercury and Mars while Venus slowly makes her way over Jupiter in Capricorn and Pluto is about to make a final step out of Sagittarius. It will be a special Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it and are aware of how much of the future rests upon each of our shoulders. The only miracle, no matter what happens on earth, happens when we keep our chins up and hope. With the Sagittarius energy we should resonate with the natural world and open up to the teachings of the elements. We may remember then that the answers we seek all lie withi

hey ho silvery frosty moon, let's dance and beavers better hide !

hey ho o silver moon get your wallets ready as the moon enters taurus with positive affirmations you may increase your earnings as long as your spendings are kept under control and there is no leaking debts on your book hey ho the season is changing time has come to unearth your true self so take a walk under the silver moon rays with a light dancing step and feel the earth energy thru your feet nasa The Tripuri Purnima Full Moon celebrates Shiva’s victory over the ‘city demon’ Tripuri. Shiva is the Hindu god of dance, death and transformation. Communities celebrate their spiritual power to overcome adversity. Lamps and candles are lit after Sunset to honor and welcome the Lord of the Dance. This Full Moon also coincides with the end of the Mayan ‘Year of Destruction’ and the beginning of the ‘Year of Flowering.’ about getting things done! The Full Moon on November 13 in 21°15′ Taurus, opposite the Sun conjunct Mars and Mercury in Scorpio and with Neptune co

Diwãli - the Scorpio New Moon, our treasure map

Diwali - from britannica Many legends are associated with Diwali. Today it is celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs across the globe as the "Festival of Lights" where the lights or lamps signify victory of good over the evil within every human being. Diwali is celebrated on the first day of the lunar Kartika month, which comes in the month of October or November. The festival is also celebrated by Buddhists of Nepal. (from wiki) New Moon October 28 2008, 23:15 UT, Nice - Fr Symbol 6° Scorpio : A Gold Rush Tears Men Away From Their Native Soil. keyword : AMBITION the image is that of men being torn away from home to go after a gold rush to improve their economic status as well as gamble... The desire for scorpio-nic passionate intensity presses forward in a search for new values and achievements with little regard for the cost. It encourages us to thread on uncharted paths and seek other forms of wealth. Scorpio is known for it's intensity, in fac


For your consideration, the words of the venerable Dane Rudhyar (one of the most prolific astrological writers in history between 1935-1980) from the last part of his masterwork, “An Astrological Mandala” . "The significance of astrology is that it can transform the profane into the sacred, the facts of astronomy into the revelation of a cosmic order manifest in the cell and the human person as well as in the solar system and the galaxy. To try to make astrology a “science” based on empirical facts and statistics is to deny its essential and ancient nature. Astrology deals with the mythos of the Sky. The elements it uses are archetypes. Therefore, to live one’s life in terms of the revelatory message symbolically implied in one’s birth chart is to live a life in terms of the “sacred” character of existence. It does not mean to feel oppressed by “bad” aspects or elated by “good” ones. It does not mean to avoid confrontation with existential facts and to escape into fanciful d